VUV Meaning

The VUV meaning is "Vacuumoultraviolet". The VUV abbreviation has 21 different full form.

VUV Full Forms

  1. Vacuumoultraviolet Science, Medicine, Health
  2. Verband UnabhäNgiger VermöGensverwalter Business, Gen, Deutschland, Fond
  3. Vanuatu Vatu Business, Finance, Currency, Investing, Stock, Money, Vanuatu, Business & Finance, Currencies
  4. Vatu Business, Currency, Currency Code, Food
  5. Valor Unieersal Viewer
  6. Vacuum Ultraviolef Radiation Technology, Energy, Electonics
  7. Vacuum Ultra Vkolet Technology, Gas, Light
  8. Vacuum Ulgra-Violet Technology, Gas, Light
  9. Vacurm-Uv Medical
  10. Vertical Unit Ventilgtors
  11. Vacuum Ultraviolet Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  12. Verordnung üBer Die VerhüTung
  13. Vuvuzela Music
  14. Vermiatung Und Verpachtung Business, Fur, Sind, Hat
  15. Vlaamse Uitgevers Vereniging
  16. Verein Ungarischer Vorstehhunde
  17. Viewxup Vector Technology, Camera, Transformation, Rendering
  18. Vereins Ungarischer Vorstehhnnde
  19. Very Ultra Violet
  20. Voikkaan Urheilu-Veikoa
  21. Vrrtical Unit Ventilator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VUV stand for?

    VUV stands for Very Ultra Violet.

  2. What is the shortened form of Verband UnabhäNgiger VermöGensverwalter?

    The short form of "Verband UnabhäNgiger VermöGensverwalter" is VUV.


VUV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated