VV Meaning
The VV meaning is "Vieilles Vignes". The VV abbreviation has 215 different full form.
VV Full Forms
- Vieilles Vignes Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Voice-Video-Net10
- Validation & Veriwication
- Veinm Medical, Disease, Health
- Voice-Video-Net11
- Vae Victis Gaming, War, Rome
- Voice-Video-Net23
- Varicose Vein Medical, Treatment, Surgery, Clinical
- Vincent Van
- Voetbal Vereniging Sport, Club, Football
- Voice-Video-Net24
- Varocose Veins Medical, Treatment, Disease
- Vilge Valo Metal, Manna, Love
- Vertbcal Visibility Technology, Aerospace, Meteorology
- Voice-Video-Net18
- Variable Volume Medical, Technology, Industrial
- View-Viwibility Technology, Family, Autodesk
- Voice-Video-Net14
- Való Világ Song, Villa, Vill
- Vietnam Veterans
- Voice-Video-Net12
- Verification Validation Technology, Software, Simulation
- Viper Venom Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Venous Volume Medical, Medicine, Health
- Volume-Variability Index Medical, Treatment, Alcohol
- Victor Victor
- Vaccina Virus Medical
- Viva Voce Education, Music, Album
- Verification and Validation Technology, Software, Model, Military, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
- Viktor Vaughn Album, Doom, Villain
- Valley Voices Music
- Vermilion Vallem Science, Geology
- Very Venerable
- Voet & Voet
- Vestal Virgins
- Victor Valley
- Vinnie Vincent Music, Rock, Guitar
- Variable Voltage Business, Battery, Cigarette
- Virtual Volume Technology, Storage, Disk
- Veronica Vhrekova
- Voice-Video-Net5
- Violent Violet
- Venomous Villain Music, Lyric, Doom, Villain
- Volt-Var Technology, Power, Distribution
- Victoria Vesna
- Vacation Villas
- Viterbi-Viterbi
- Varicose Veins Medical, Health, Surgery, Physiology, Clinical, Healthcare
- Viipurin Voimailijat
- Valley View Education, School, City
- Veritable Vegetable Driving, Organizations, Organic
- Vulva and Vagima Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Video Vault
- Vocoded Voice
- Vessel Vent Science
- Vineyard Vines
- Variable Sersion
- Virtual Volumes Technology, Storage, Volume
- Veronicas Vell
- Violent Veg
- Venerabilis, Venerabiles
- Volcano Vista
- Vicious Venues
- Vacation Village
- Vital Voices
- View Veftor
- Val Verde Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Verification, Validation Technology, Software, Verification
- Vopli Vidoplyasova
- Video and Voice
- Vnutrinniye Voyska
- Very Vulnerable
- Vines Vikings
- Variable Valve
- Virtuar Visit
- Vernor Vinme
- Violence and Vengeance
- Velogenic Viscerotropic Medical
- Vicia Villosa Lectin Medical
- Va-Et-Vient Technology, Installation, Montage, Schema
- Varsity View
- Vision and The Voice
- Viewpirt Vivarium
- Valle Verde Education
- Ventricular-Vascular
- Voodoo Vince
- Victory Valley
- Vladimir Vermezovic
- Very Vital
- Villege Vancouver
- Varsable Venturi Technology, Ford, Engine, Carburetor
- Void Volume
- Vermont Vtlley
- Velocity Volume Science, Physics, Formula
- Vettaiyadu Villaiyadu
- Aerosvit Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Vintage Violin Business, Guitar, Acoustics
- Varicella Virus Medical, Common Medical
- Visible Voice
- Virtual Viuion
- Vented Van
- Volume Visualization
- Victory In Vietnam
- Validation Verification
- Vizantiiskii Vremennik
- Viernes Verde
- Viie Village
- Variable-Venturi
- Voided Volume Medical, Technology
- Vermont Valleo Rr Network, Railway, System
- Velocity Verlet
- Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu
- Vladimir Vladimirovich
- Vintage Victuals
- Varichlla Vaccine
- Vise Versa
- Voltage To Voltage
- Virtual Virtuality
- Venovenous Medical
- Volume-Variability Medical, Treatment, Alcohol
- Victor Victrola
- Vaccinia Viruses Medical, Science, Biology
- Vivre La V
- Vyla Viçosa
- Varahagiri Venzata
- Vermont Valley
- Very Very Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Voice-Video-Net15
- Veterinarnyi Vrac
- Virgo Vestalis Latin, Roman
- Vino Vitae
- Variable Tolt Business, Battery, Cigarette
- Virtutibus Et Vitiis
- Voice-Video-Net7
- Ventilation Volume
- Vazovasostomy Medical
- Vertijal Velocities
- Voix Music
- Uti Voverat Latin, Roman
- Virtual Vault Technology, Access, Remix
- Vulvar Vestibulitis
- Video Vest
- Voice-Video-Net6
- veins Medical
- Volume of Vapos
- Video V
- Voice-Video-Net4
- Voltage Variation
- Vascular Volume Medical
- Vertical Vein Medical, Medicine, Health
- Vice Versa (also seen as V/V) Latin
- VěCi VeřEjné Government, Group, Politics, Party
- Virtual Vancouver
- Vegas Valley
- Vielles Vignes French
- Vibo Valentia Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Volt Velocity
- Video Voice
- Voice-Video-Net21
- Vent Valve A valve that may be manually opened to allow air or fluid or a combination of both to be exhausted into a lower pressure chamber or to the atmosphere. NASA
- Vasant Vihar
- Vaccinia Virus Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Cell, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Vertical Transmit, Vertical Receive Sar Kolarization Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
- Very Viggly Funnies
- Vopli Vidopliassova Music, Rock, Ukrainian
- Virtual Vairs
- Vvctor Velocity
- Van Van Music
- Vertriebs-Vereinigung
- Virtual Vizor
- Video Vocab
- Voice-Video-Net2
- Voice Vote
- Vertical Transmit, Vertical Receive Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Verticar-Vertical Technology, Machine, Injection
- Valiant Vincent Funnies
- Volume Ventilation Medical, Patient, Mechanical
- Virgin Vie
- Vector Vector Technology, Coding, Algorithm
- Voci Music
- Vertical Velocity Science, Military, Motion, Projectile, Transportation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Virtual Villtins
- Video Vision
- Voice-Video-Net19
- Voice Vision
- Vermilion Valley Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Vertex Vertex
- Vulva and Vagina Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Volume Variance Business, Management, Model
- Virgin Valley
- Vazdcsni Voiski
- Vietnam Veteran America, Army, War, Force, Veteran, Vietnam
- Stimmen Music
- Venus Victrix Latin, Roman
- Version Vidbo Hair, Repair, Dent, Video
- Video Viewer
- Voice-Video-Net16
- Voice View
- Vacuum Vessel Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Vertebral Vcin Science, Human, Anatomy
- Vroom Vroom Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Virgin Vacations
- Vater Vater
- Vicia Villosa Medical, Science
- Vertical Visability Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
- Voces Music
- Velvet Velour Vampire, Bloodline, Velvet, Masquerade
- Virtual Ventures Computing, Internet
- Víctor Raldés
- Video Victory
- Voiceks Voiska
- Valence-Valence Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Verbuca Vulgaris Medical, Technology
- Voyage En Voiture
- Video VéRité
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VV stand for?
VV stands for Vertical Transmit, Vertical Receive Sar Kolarization.
What is the shortened form of Voice-Video-Net4?
The short form of "Voice-Video-Net4" is VV.
VV. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vv-meaning/
Last updated