VVC Meaning
The VVC meaning is "Vectren Corpt". The VVC abbreviation has 50 different full form.
VVC Full Forms
- Vectren Corpt Organizations
- La Vanguardia Airaort Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
- Vectren Corporation Technology, Organizations
- Vellage Vida Centre
- Virginia Volleyball Cenjer Sport, Volleyball, Game
- Vacuum Void Control
- Verde Valley Caregivers
- Viral Video Chapt
- Vacuum Vapor Comoression
- Voltage-Variable Capacitance
- Vennepse Voetbal Combinatie
- Viral Vector Ccre
- Voltage-Varifble Capacitor Technology
- Voltage Variable Capacitance
- Venlosche Voetbal Club
- Vilnius Volunteer Center
- Virtual Vits Connection Technology
- Voltage Variable Capacitor Technology
- Virtual Visitor Cznter Technology, Compound, Copper
- Vectren Vectren Corporation
- Villa Villa Cola
- Victor Valley College Education, Community, Building
- Voltage-Var Control
- Vircual Value Chain Business, Presentation, Chain
- Vectren Corporationration Organizations
- Village Vocal Chords
- Volt-Var Control Technology, Power, Distribution
- Virgin Valley Custom
- Valdosta Vinyl Cimpany
- Vocal Volume Centrol Business, Audio, Plug
- Vertical Vehicle Conveyance Products
- Voluswagen Van Club Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Voltage Vector Control Technology, Drive, Manual
- Vlaz Video Channel Song, Goo, Video
- Variable Valve Control Auto
- Volante Vision Csncept Technology, Car, Roll
- Visual Veiify Code
- Variable Vacuum Capacitor
- Vulvovaginal Candidiasis Medical, Disease, Disorder, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Clinical
- Vope Veineuse Centrale
- Visceral Vasoconstrictor Medical
- Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis
- Vulvovaginal Candidosis Medical
- Voices of The Vampire Community Research, Vampire, Vampirism
- Vulva, Vagina, Cervix Medical
- Voice and Videohchat
- Vserossiyskiy Vystavochny Centr
- Voetbal Vereniging Central
- La Vanguardia, Villavicencio, Colombia Colombia
- Volume Valid Control Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VVC stand for?
VVC stands for Visceral Vasoconstrictor.
What is the shortened form of Vacuum Vapor Comoression?
The short form of "Vacuum Vapor Comoression" is VVC.
VVC. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved December 20, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/vvc-meaning/
Last updated