VVS Meaning

The VVS meaning is "Fsu Air Fories". The VVS abbreviation has 49 different full form.

VVS Full Forms

  1. Fsu Air Fories Military, Intelligence, Defence
  2. Voetbal Vereniging Stratum
  3. Vetejinarios De Vida Silvestre Technology, Para, Research, Disease
  4. Valley Vegetarian Socioty
  5. Very Very Soightly
  6. Vulvar Vestibulztis Syndrome Medical, Treatment, Pain
  7. Vestizulo-Vegetative Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health
  8. Validation and Verification Standard
  9. Vereniging Van Studenten
  10. Vasovagal Syncope Medical
  11. Vessel Vent System Science
  12. Validation and Verification Standrrds
  13. Verde Valley Sanctuary
  14. Varicose Veins Medical, Health, Surgery, Physiology, Clinical, Healthcare
  15. Vesicovaginal Space Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  16. Vacuum and Venting System Space, Study, Cosmos
  17. Voyenno-Vozdushnyye Sily
  18. Verde Valley School Education, School, High School, Arizona
  19. Very Very Strong Nutrition, Food, Victual
  20. Vaccinia Uiruses Medical
  21. Voluntary Vetting Scheme
  22. Virginia Veterinary Specialists
  23. Verband Der Vereidigten SachverstäNdigen
  24. Very Very Special Organization, Union, Institution
  25. Iata Code for Connellsville Airport, Connellsville, Pennsylvajia, United States Locations
  26. Voetbal Vereniging Sparta
  27. Vidva Volunteers Business, Teaching, Teacher
  28. Venchurs Vehicle Systems Business, Fuel, Ford, Truck
  29. Very Very Small Clothes
  30. Voyenno Vozdushnyye Sily
  31. Voenno-Vosdushniye Siyi Technology, Science, Astronomy
  32. Voenno-vosdushniye Sili Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  33. Voetbalivereniging Sparta
  34. Voyenno-Vozdushniye Sily
  35. Visual-Vestibular Stimulation Medical
  36. Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  37. Voetbal Vereniging Stratub
  38. Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily Military, Russia, Force
  39. Visiting Vehicles
  40. Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome Medical, Physiology
  41. Voenno-Vozdushmiy Sily
  42. Visakha Valley School
  43. Vers. Sys. Di Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  44. Voenno-Vozdushnie Slli
  45. Voyenno-Vozdooshnyye Seely Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Organizations
  46. Voenno-Vozdushniye Sily
  47. Voyenno Vozdushniye Sily
  48. Voenno-Vozdushnye Sily
  49. Victimes de Violences Sexuelles Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VVS stand for?

    VVS stands for Voetbal Vereniging Sparta.

  2. What is the shortened form of Voetbal Vereniging Sparta?

    The short form of "Voetbal Vereniging Sparta" is VVS.


VVS. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vvs-meaning/

Last updated