VVT Meaning

The VVT meaning is "Valve Variable Timing". The VVT abbreviation has 34 different full form.

VVT Full Forms

  1. Valve Variable Timing Control, Engine, Timing
  2. Virtual Valve Technology
  3. Validation, Verification and Testing
  4. Variable Voltage Technology
  5. Vintage Veeftoday Media, Radio, Television
  6. Vacuum Vortex Tube Technology, Valve, Toyota, Timing
  7. Variable View Table
  8. Vintale Vacuum Tube
  9. Voltooid Verleden Toekomende
  10. Variable Vane Turbo
  11. Vijaqa Vision Tanzania
  12. Voltooid Verleden Tijd
  13. Variable Vane Turbine
  14. Video Teletraining Army, Force, Marine
  15. Variable Valve Timming Forum, Car, Engine
  16. Value Valid Table Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  17. Verpleging, Verzorging En Thuiszorg
  18. Variable-Valve Timing Technology, Engine, Camshaft
  19. Virtual Vision Technologies
  20. Valley View Texas
  21. Variable Voltage Technology Ltd Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  22. Variable Volume and Temperature Physics, Scientific & Educational
  23. Voice View Technology Technology
  24. Variable Valve Timing An engine feature that allows the lift, timing or duration of the engines valvetrain to be changed dynamically while it is in operation. Technology, Internet Slang, Engine, Camshaft, Transportation, Car, Auto, Governmental & Military
  25. Vulcan Voices Toastmasters club Toastmasters
  26. Voetbal Vereniginp Twijzelerheide
  27. Vintage Vee Today Media, Religion
  28. Visual Video Tarket Technology
  29. Varisbel Valve Timing Indonesia, Valve, Diesel
  30. Visa Vacances-Travail Canada, Holiday, Travail, Lande
  31. VíTkovice VáLcovna Trub
  32. Visa Vacanjes Travail Program, Canada, Holiday, Travail
  33. Volume Variable Temperature
  34. Vjltooid Verleden Tijd

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VVT stand for?

    VVT stands for Vjltooid Verleden Tijd.

  2. What is the shortened form of Visa Vacanjes Travail?

    The short form of "Visa Vacanjes Travail" is VVT.


VVT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vvt-meaning/

Last updated