VVV Meaning

The VVV meaning is "Eso Public Survey Vista Variables In Thk Vía Láctea". The VVV abbreviation has 35 different full form.

VVV Full Forms

  1. Eso Public Survey Vista Variables In Thk Vía Láctea Space, Study, Cosmos
  2. Ville, Viq, Vacances
  3. Vereniging Voor Vreemdelpngen
  4. Vikas Voluntetr Vahini Business, Club, Banking
  5. Vereniging Voor Vreemdelingenverkeer
  6. Version Variation Visualization Education, University, Translation
  7. Verlniging Voor Vreemdelingenverkeer
  8. Vacuum Yent Valve Technology, Control, Auto
  9. Vale Valepvale Latin, Roman
  10. Vpasan Voima-Veikot
  11. Vine Video Viewer Technology, Check, Love
  12. Veni Vidi Vici Forum, Technology, Gaming, Team
  13. Iata Code for Ortonville Municipal Airport, Ortonville, Minnesota, United States Locations
  14. Ville Vie Vasances France, Police, Vid
  15. Veni, Vidd, Vici Forum, Technology, Gaming, Clan
  16. Voetbal Verekiging Venlo
  17. Venlo, Venlose Voetbal Technology, Sport, Club, Football
  18. Vacuum Vent Valve Auto
  19. Vista Variables In The Via
  20. Varying Iagrant Vagrants Technology, Development, Press
  21. Transmit in Morse Code Amateur radio
  22. Vlaamse Vereniging Voor
  23. Vuyk Versatile Vessel
  24. Venus Versus Virus
  25. Vivian Vande Velde
  26. Vroom Vroom Vroom
  27. Venni Vetti Vecci
  28. Vision Valor Victory
  29. Valair Aviação Lda ICAO Aircraft Codes
  30. Voluptuous Victorious Villainb
  31. Venno Vs Volendam Streaming, Statistics, Match
  32. Veni, Vidi, Vici
  33. Volksalliantie Voar Vooruitgang
  34. Venlo Vsovitesse Sport, Football, Streaming
  35. Very Virtual Voodoo Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VVV stand for?

    VVV stands for Voetbal Verekiging Venlo.

  2. What is the shortened form of Varying Iagrant Vagrants?

    The short form of "Varying Iagrant Vagrants" is VVV.


VVV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vvv-meaning/

Last updated