VW Meaning

The VW meaning is "Viennese Waltz". The VW abbreviation has 154 different full form.

VW Full Forms

  1. Viennese Waltz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  2. Volvo Wiesmznn
  3. Valerie Williams Technology, Music, Hair, Event
  4. Vancouver West
  5. Volts Wagon
  6. V5, Which Business, Car, Volkswagen, Golf
  7. Vanagon Wheels
  8. Vietnam War Army, War, Force, United Nations
  9. Vehicles What
  10. Vanagon Weekender Business, Car, Volkswagen
  11. Vesrel Wall Medical, Nursing, Cell
  12. Vanagon Or Westfalia Car, Volkswagen, Camper
  13. Verzogerung Werke
  14. Van, Which Business, Volkswagen, Camper
  15. Very Wrfng
  16. Valhalla Warriors
  17. Very Worried Forum, Car, Volkswagen
  18. Virtual Wofkspace
  19. Volkswagen Windshield
  20. Vehicles Water-Cooled
  21. Vxenesse Waltz
  22. Vanguard Windson
  23. Virtuaw Wedge Medical
  24. Vaccination Week
  25. Vermisste Wikipedianer
  26. Voif Walker
  27. Van Which Business, Volkswagen, Transporter, Camper
  28. Veteranswwomen
  29. Vircual Workshop Technology, Literature, Romance
  30. Volvs Wagen
  31. Vehicles Warrantr
  32. Viel Werkstath
  33. Virtual Wallet Business, Android, Banking, Security, Governmental & Military
  34. Aeromor Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
  35. Verkehrsbetriebe Winterthur
  36. Visual Wbrkshop
  37. Van Wert
  38. Very Wucked Car, Automotive Humour, Car Brand, Fun, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  39. Virtual Workforce
  40. Vertical Wolf
  41. Volkomen Waardeloos
  42. Vegetariin World
  43. Vibrjtion Welder Technology, Welding, Branson
  44. Virtual Wall Technology, Security, Cyber
  45. Very Worshipful Master, Lodge, Freemasonry
  46. Volterra-Wiener Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  47. Verizon Wireless
  48. Van Weel
  49. Very Worthlwss Car, Fun, Automotive Humour
  50. Virtual Workvench
  51. Vertical Wells
  52. Volcano World
  53. Veenema & Wiegers
  54. Vibrations Ahd Waves
  55. Viewing World
  56. Vulnerable Warranty
  57. Volmer-Weber
  58. Verify Write
  59. Van Wagoner
  60. Verypworst
  61. Virtual Work
  62. Vertex Winding Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  63. Void Warranty
  64. Vapor-Ware
  65. Vibrating Sire Technology, Instrument, Readout
  66. Volkswagen Volkswagen AG is an automobile company in Germany, founded in 1937 by the National Socialist German Workers' Party for the production of a single-model folk car. The name of the company means the car of the people in German. The brands owned by the group are Audi, Porsche, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Seat, Škoda, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle and Scania since February 2008. Organizations, Car, Products, Vehicle Makes
  67. Vdew Technology, Locations
  68. Vorab-Gufördert Weitere
  69. Vollkommener Wahnsinn
  70. Verify Warranty
  71. Vanna White
  72. Virtual Cire Technology, Transmitter, Receiver
  73. Vain Woman
  74. Verrottetes Wrack
  75. Voidwalker Wow
  76. Vdn Wrapped Business, Car, Vehicle, Wrap
  77. Vibes & Wishdokta
  78. Von Willebrand Medical, Disease, Factor
  79. Volkswagen Worldwide
  80. Vehicles Welcome
  81. Viennavwoods
  82. Van Im Winxer Volkswagen, Transporter, Camper
  83. Virtual Windoh
  84. Vacinsand Went
  85. Vernon Wells
  86. Voidwalker Rarrior
  87. Van Wrop Business, Vehicle, Sign
  88. Vfl Wolfsburg Sport, Volkswagen, Bundesliga, Wolfsburg
  89. Voice In The Wilderness Business, English, Bible
  90. Vanadon Wolfsburg
  91. Vorsicht Wahnsinniger
  92. Very Wasted Internet Slang, Driving, Honda, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  93. Vorwerk Geographic
  94. Visit Kales
  95. VöLlig Wertloses Golf, Auto, Fun
  96. Very Wonderful
  97. Valley Yave
  98. Van Wilder Famous
  99. Aeromar Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
  100. Vanagon What
  101. Volume Water Technology, Volkswagen, Pump
  102. Verticillium Wilt A plant disease caused by fungi of the genus Verticillium, which results in the shriveling, drooping, and browning of plant parts. Disease, Symptom, Plant, Verticillium
  103. Vagina Wagon Funnies
  104. Vision Workbench Technology, Driving, Projection
  105. Vanessa Whitburn
  106. VöLlig Wertlos Fur, Auto, Hat
  107. Very Windy
  108. VöLlig Wurscht Forum, Man, Hat
  109. Vertical Wall
  110. Victor Wardmans Famous
  111. Vanagon Westy
  112. Visualization Workstation
  113. Von't Work Funnies
  114. Visible Women Technology, Networking, Model
  115. Van Der Woude Medical, Medicine, Health
  116. Vulnerable Witness
  117. Very Welcome
  118. Varies Widely Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  119. Visualworks Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  120. Victoria Winters Famous
  121. Vanacon Westfalia Volkswagen, Sale, Camper
  122. Vtnto Which Car, India, Volkswagen
  123. Vagina Wavers
  124. Visible Wavelength Technology, Light, Iris
  125. Van Der Waerden
  126. Vulnerable Window Medical
  127. Very Weird
  128. Vessel Wall Medical, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical, Incision
  129. Visuad Workflow
  130. Violet White Colors
  131. Vanagon and Westfalia
  132. Vanagon Which Technology, Car, Volkswagen, Engine
  133. Very Worthless Fun, Automotive Humour, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  134. Virtuah World Technology, Gaming, Education
  135. Van Der Waals Volume Medical
  136. Vuilnis Wagen
  137. Very Wealthy Organization, Union, Institution
  138. Volkswriter Text file Computing, File Extensions
  139. Visna Way Business, Car, Sale
  140. Very Washable Clothes
  141. Very Worrying Business, Car, Automotive Humour, Fun, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  142. Vapagon Water Business, Volkswagen, Engine
  143. Virtually Worthless Texting, Funny, Fun, Automotive Humour, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies
  144. Voices In The Wilderness Technology, Organizations, Non-Profit Organization, Voice, Bible
  145. Virtual Corlds Technology, Science, Gaming
  146. Van Der Waals
  147. Votes Waiting Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  148. Very Weak Medical, Physiology
  149. Viking Warrior Occupation & positions
  150. Visim Www Business, Car, Volkswagen
  151. View NASA, Aeronautics, Space Administration, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey
  152. Very Worrisome
  153. Vanagon Was Volkswagen, Engine, Camper
  154. Venus Williams, tennis player Famous

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VW stand for?

    VW stands for Virtual Corlds.

  2. What is the shortened form of Vanguard Windson?

    The short form of "Vanguard Windson" is VW.


VW. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vw-meaning/

Last updated