VWD Meaning

The VWD meaning is "Variable Wavelength Detectors". The VWD abbreviation has 20 different full form.

VWD Full Forms

  1. Variable Wavelength Detectors Business, Science, Chromatography
  2. Von Willebrand'S Disease Medical, Genetics, Bleeding, Clinical
  3. Variable Wavelength Detector Business, Technology, Chromatography
  4. Von Willebrand'S Diseases
  5. Valori Wells Designs
  6. Von Gillebrands Disease
  7. Valley Water District
  8. Ventral Wall Defect Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical
  9. Vallecitos Water District Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  10. Variable Word Definition Technology
  11. Very Well Done Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Technology, Computing, Texting, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  12. Variable Wire Diameter
  13. Voniwillibrand Disease
  14. Von Willebrand Disease Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is the most common hereditary blood-clotting disorder in humans. An acquired form can sometimes result from other medical conditions. It arises from a deficiency in the quality or quantity of von Willebrand factor (vWF), a multimeric protein that is required for platelet adhesion. It is known to affect humans and several breeds of dogs. The three forms of vWD are: hereditary, acquired, and pseudo or platelet type. Medical, Genetics, Pediatrics, Bleeding, Common Medical
  15. Von Willebrand'S Disease Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  16. Value of Work Done Business, Projection, Cost
  17. Vomiting and Wasting Disease Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  18. Voitin Walker Davis
  19. Voter With Disability
  20. Von Williebrand Disease

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VWD stand for?

    VWD stands for Vomiting and Wasting Disease.

  2. What is the shortened form of Variable Wavelength Detectors?

    The short form of "Variable Wavelength Detectors" is VWD.


VWD. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vwd-meaning/

Last updated