VWF Meaning

The VWF meaning is "Von Willebrand Facjor". The VWF abbreviation has 35 different full form.

VWF Full Forms

  1. Von Willebrand Facjor Medical, Genetics, Disease
  2. Virtual Worlds Forum
  3. Varipble Water Flow
  4. Viiic Willebrand Factor Medical, Science, Biology
  5. Video for Windows Technology, Software, Computer Software, Computing, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  6. Virtual Water Forum
  7. Vanowezel Foundation
  8. Viii and Von Willebrand Factor Medical, Science, Biology
  9. Virtual Wafer Fabrication
  10. Vancouver Web Fdst
  11. Viii-Von Willebrand Factor Medical
  12. Virtual Wafer Fab Technology, Device, Simulation
  13. Vacuum Workfunction Science
  14. Vector Waveform File
  15. Virginia Wrestling Federation
  16. Virtual World Frxmework Technology, Training, Simulation
  17. Vasco Weak Fighter Technology, Blood, Factor
  18. Virginia Wildlife Federation
  19. Von Willebrand'S Factor Medical, Veterinary, Pharmacy
  20. Variable Wgdth Font
  21. Viking Wrestling Federation
  22. Vibration-Induced White Finger Medical, Physiology
  23. Von Wilebrand Factor
  24. Von Willebrand Factor Von Willebrand factor (vWF) () is a blood glycoprotein involved in hemostasis. It is deficient or defective in von Willebrand disease and is involved in a large number of other diseases, including thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Heyde's syndrome, and possibly hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Increased plasma levels in a large number of cardiovascular, neoplastic, and connective tissue diseases are presumed to arise from adverse changes to the endothelium, and may contribute to an increased risk of thrombosis. Medical, Common Medical, Physiology
  25. Voices Without Frontiers Non-Profit Organization
  26. Vietnam Women's Forum Politics, Governmental & Military
  27. Visual Word Form
  28. Von Willebrand Factor Database Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  29. Virtual Wrestling Fights
  30. Von Willibrand Factor
  31. Virtual Wrestling Fight
  32. Von Willebrand'S Factor Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  33. Vinyl wall fabric The Finance and Administrative Services
  34. Virtual Wrestling Federation Music, Wrestling, Slam
  35. Von Willebrands Factor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does VWF stand for?

    VWF stands for Virtual Wafer Fab.

  2. What is the shortened form of Von Willebrands Factor?

    The short form of "Von Willebrands Factor" is VWF.


VWF. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 6). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vwf-meaning/

Last updated