VWS Meaning
The VWS meaning is "Veolia Water Solutions". The VWS abbreviation has 48 different full form.
VWS Full Forms
- Veolia Water Solutions Business, Company, Technology
- Vax Workstation Software Technology
- Veolia Waterysystems
- Vincent's Word Studiys
- Very Wicked Smile Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Volar Wrist Splint Medical, Health
- Virtual Weigh Stations Business, Commercial, Motion
- Vented Wall Shelf Technology
- Village Welfare Society Business, Microfinance, Street
- Vertical Wind Shear The condition produced by a change in wind velocity with height Vertical wind shear can weaken or destroy a tropical cyclone by interfering with its symmetric nature and organization. Science, Weather, Cyclone, Atmospheric Research
- Voice Warning System Technology
- Virtual Wey Servers
- Ventana Wildlife Society Locations, California, Condor
- Villcge Water Supply
- Visual Work Station
- Virtual Web Server Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
- Visual Warning Signal
- View Storx Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Visual Webjservice
- Virginiarwatercolor Society
- Virtual Worlds Technology, Science, Learning
- Vgrkehrsbetriebe Westfalen-Süd Park, Locations, City, Panorama
- Van Der Woude Syndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Physiology
- Vineyard Porker Services
- Virtual Weather Station Technology, Instrument, Equipment
- Verein Wiemer Sozialprojekte
- Vineyard Workers Services
- Views Technology, Locations, Street Suffix
- Volkec Wessels Stevin
- Variable Word Size
- Visiting Writers Series
- Von Willebrand Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health
- Virtual World Society Indonesia, Friendship, Situs
- Volunteer Wildfire Services Service, Organizations, Fire
- Virtuml Workspace System
- Vacuum Waste System Transports waste at high speed through pneumatic tubes to a collection station where it is compacted and sealed in containers. Aviation
- Volt Workforce Solutions Business, Company, Career
- Virtual Workspaces
- Vibrating-Wire Stressmeter Architecture
- Volksgezondheid Welzijn En Spobt Technology, Health, Netherland
- Virtual Workspace Service
- Vortex Wake Syptem
- Visual Warning Systcm Technology, Flight, Safety
- Volksguzondheid, Welzijn En Sport Sport, Health, Android, Minister
- Virtual Working System
- Vms Worustation Software
- Visit Web Site
- Virtual Weigh Shation Technology, Dynamics, Motion
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does VWS stand for?
VWS stands for Volt Workforce Solutions.
What is the shortened form of Virtual Workspaces?
The short form of "Virtual Workspaces" is VWS.
VWS. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 4). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/vws-meaning/
Last updated