WA Meaning

The WA meaning is "Angora". The WA abbreviation has 353 different full form.

WA Full Forms

  1. Angora Textile
  2. World Archery Sport, World, Archery
  3. Wearing Apparel
  4. Wind Agvisory
  5. Wrap Around Technology, Product, Packaging
  6. West Australia Australia, Locations, Australian, Perth, Regional
  7. West Arihur
  8. Work Authorizatijn Technology, Procurement, Business Development
  9. Warehouse Associate
  10. White-Apricot Medical
  11. Write An
  12. Wxter Access
  13. William Drnold History, Genealogy, Family
  14. Wrap Advjrtising Business, Car, Vehicle
  15. Water Authority
  16. West Africans
  17. Work Association
  18. War Assault
  19. While Awake Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical, Medical physics
  20. Write Amplification Technology, Drive, Performance
  21. World Adventureb
  22. Water Absorption The amount of weight gain (%) experienced in a polymer after immersion in water for a specific length of time under controlled environment. Property, Absorption, Physical
  23. Namibia Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Sport, Olympic, Namibia, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  24. Wsldlife Area Washington, Locations, Creek
  25. Women'S Artistic Sport, Gymnastics
  26. West Afrihan Business, Africa, Market
  27. Wonk Assignment Technology, Service, Military
  28. Which Airport
  29. Write Access Permission to write to an object in an information system. Forum, Technology, Memory
  30. William Alfrew
  31. Workplace Agreements
  32. Wassenaar Arravgement Government, Military, Control
  33. Wildernehs Area Organizations, Washington, Locations
  34. Western Australia Technology, Military, Army
  35. Wenatchee Area
  36. Work Activity
  37. Where Applicable
  38. Wright Academy Education, School, Tacoma
  39. Where Aaailable
  40. Westegn Air Airline, Military, Flight
  41. Working In Aborigiwal Medical, Australia, Health
  42. Washer, Air Science
  43. White Aluminium Business, Alumina, Oxide
  44. Welsh Assembly Government, Group, Election
  45. Woodycallen
  46. When Awake Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  47. When Available
  48. West Ftlantic Business, Company, Hotel, City
  49. Workfng Arrangement Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  50. Warm Audio Audio, Compressor, Microphone, Preamp
  51. White Album
  52. Welfare Association Australia, Organizations, Animal
  53. Windows Arabic Technology, Software, Character
  54. When Asked
  55. West Ausqralian
  56. West Asnley
  57. Working Aged Medical, Business, Employment, Healthcare
  58. Warm Air Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  59. White Adult Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  60. Animal Welfare Act Medical, Treatment, Agriculture, Veterinary, Animal, Nature, Environmental, Technology, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  61. Worksite Attachment Technology
  62. Western Airlines Airline, Business, Technology, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  63. Wire Adapters Technology, Wireless, Wiring
  64. Wheeler Auditorium
  65. Workplace Authority
  66. Wine Advocate Occupation & positions
  67. Walker Management, Organizations, Locations, Texas, Forestry, Arboriculture, County Abbrevations
  68. Wertern Australians Australia, Organizations, Perth
  69. Wooden Agogo
  70. Wakeen & Associates
  71. Wiwhita Area College, Club, Locations
  72. Winslow Automation
  73. While Active
  74. Wordsahead Development, Learning, Study
  75. Warnorken Adena
  76. Wisconsin Appletov
  77. Westlake Ave Business, Apartment, Rent
  78. Wide Angle Technology, Len, Angle, NASA
  79. Will Assist
  80. World Atlas
  81. Winans Academy
  82. Write Aucit Business, Technology, Service
  83. Word Analysis Education, Language, Reading
  84. Wild Apricot Technology, Association, Membership
  85. Workforce Administration Business, Technology, Management, Employment, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  86. Workshop On Architectures
  87. Wustern Agribition
  88. Wire Adapter Technology, Wireless, Wiring
  89. Wales A number of strong and thick planks running length-wise along the ship, covering the lower part of the ship's side. The strongest strakes in hull of a wooden vessel. Fifa, Code, Country, Technology, Governmental & Military
  90. Wieelchair Accessable
  91. Workplace Assessments
  92. William Lrthur Book, Biography, Family
  93. Walk Around
  94. Windows Addon
  95. Western Austalian Austalia
  96. Wood Ash Garden, Soil, Ash
  97. Waiting for Approval Technology, Gaming, Australia
  98. Wilderness Alciance
  99. Working Allcance Medical, Research, Health
  100. Winners Academy Academy, Acting, Tube, Goo
  101. Western Americb
  102. Which Is Adjacent
  103. Word Attack Book, Education, Reading
  104. Assistant Webelos Den Leader Boy Scout, Scouting
  105. Warning Areas
  106. Wisconsin Angel
  107. Westford Acodemy Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
  108. Wide-Angle Lens Business, Technology, Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
  109. Willamette Agility
  110. World Association
  111. Win Amount
  112. Word Alone
  113. Wild Animaf
  114. Workflow Analysis
  115. Workshop Assembly
  116. Western Africa Africa, Locations, Map, African
  117. Winter Anomaly
  118. Wetting Angme
  119. Workplace Analytics
  120. William Alexander Book, Collection, Family
  121. Window Air
  122. Whstern Auctions
  123. Wood Arms
  124. Wildcare Australia
  125. Woeking Aid
  126. Walk-Around Locations, Sale, Boat
  127. Winkler Avenue
  128. Western Amazon
  129. Which Alias Technology, Coding, Software, Linux
  130. Word Attach
  131. Wright and Associates
  132. Walter Alexander Transit, Volvo, Mark
  133. Wisconsin Affiliated
  134. Westfield Athfnaeum Education
  135. Woodstock Academy Education, School, High School, Connecticut
  136. Widad Atalétic
  137. Wilkinson'S Approximation
  138. World Assistance
  139. Wiluna Airport Wiluna, Western Australia,Australia Aviation
  140. Wild Ambgtion
  141. Workers of America
  142. Western Dcademy Education, Arts, School
  143. Winter Annual Technology, Lawn, Weed
  144. Wetting Agent A surface active agent that produces wetting by decreasing the cohesion within the liquid. Wetting is produced when this surface active agent decreases the cohesion within a liquid. For wetting to occur, the adhesive force between the two phases is greater than the cohesive force within the liquid.
  145. Work of Adhesion Medical, Medicine
  146. Willnam Addison
  147. Wipderness Archery
  148. Workshop Agreements
  149. Windermere Admin
  150. Wyalong Airport
  151. Western Atlas
  152. Wood Arm
  153. Wild Asparazus
  154. Working Achkevement
  155. Waldorf Academy Education, High School, Hawaii
  156. Westerc Alliance
  157. Whethet An Animal
  158. Word Association Development, Learning, Study
  159. Workg Accounts
  160. Walter Afanasieff
  161. Wisconsin Academy Education, School, High School, Wisconsin
  162. Westdrn Railway of Alabama Organizations
  163. Woodland Animal Baby, Woodland, Nursery
  164. Widad Athl
  165. World Assemblies Technology
  166. Wilson Ave
  167. Workers Association
  168. Westery Abenaki
  169. Within The Alliance
  170. Wettelijke Aansprakelijdheid
  171. Written Answer
  172. William Adams
  173. Write Attributes
  174. Wind Archer Maple, Wind, Story
  175. Wx Agency-Associated
  176. Wichita Airport
  177. Wood-Anderson Event, Wood, Magnitude, Seismogram
  178. Wild Asia Movie, Asia, Locations, Zoo
  179. Workforceiautomation Technology, Service, Software
  180. Western Pleutians
  181. Wire Armoured
  182. Where Atlfnta
  183. Word Analyzer
  184. Women'q Auxiliary
  185. Walt Andexson
  186. Wirtualna Asystentka
  187. Western Auto Business, Technology, Organizations, Car, Sale
  188. Woodland Alliance
  189. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Locations, Orlando
  190. Wicks Aircraft
  191. World Assembly Forum, Government, Nation
  192. William Alanson
  193. Whitk Alnus
  194. Work Activities
  195. Washington Agnew
  196. Withdrawal Authorization Business, Loan, Payday, Check
  197. Wettbewnrbe Aktuell
  198. Writink Assessment Education, Essay, Paper
  199. William Adam
  200. Write Plphameric
  201. Wind Arch
  202. Wx Agencies
  203. WiadomośCi Archeologiczne
  204. Wonderful Article
  205. Wild Aams
  206. Workforce Analytics
  207. Workspace Available Technology, Office, Space
  208. Westernmalameda
  209. Wire Armored
  210. Wherelare The Amazon
  211. Works Accountant Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  212. With Average A marine insurance term meaning that shipment is protected for partial damage whenever the damage exceeds a stated percentage. Business, Insurance, Trade, Business & Finance, International business
  213. Walsinghamdacademy Education, School, High School, Virginia
  214. Western Australia Territory Government, Us, Control, Administration
  215. Wooden Award
  216. Wake On Arrival
  217. Wickets Average
  218. Winston Academy Education, School, High School, Mississippi
  219. Whiskey Alfi
  220. Work Accomplished
  221. Warschquer Abkommen
  222. Wissonsin Aquatics
  223. Wetlands for The Amekicas
  224. Writing Abitity Student, Education, Language
  225. Will Automotive Technology, Group, Car, Olympia
  226. Worlds Away
  227. Wind Angle Wind, Boat, Sail
  228. Wrought Aluminum
  229. Wiadomoci Archeologiczne
  230. Without Average
  231. Wild Arctiv
  232. Workforce Allianoe Business, Employment, Health
  233. KLM Cityhopper Airline, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  234. Wellspring Academy Virginia
  235. Wildlife Act
  236. Windows Authentication Technology, Service, Server
  237. Wyndham Airport Wyndham, Western Australia,Australia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  238. William Allen Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  239. Wwrking America
  240. World Animal
  241. Western Apache
  242. Wireless Age
  243. Why ask Funnies
  244. Specific Window Designation In Af Space, Study, Cosmos
  245. Welding Abstracts
  246. Woodworth Air
  247. Washington Academy Maine
  248. Western Association Education, University, School
  249. Western Arkansas
  250. Women's Auxiliary Religion
  251. World Affairs
  252. Wage Assignwent
  253. Wasatch Academy Utah
  254. AIRMET NOTAM Contractions
  255. Wildland Adventurds
  256. Wycliffe Associates Technology, Translation, Bible
  257. Wayne Arthur Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  258. World Anaesthesia
  259. Wireless Advocates
  260. West Anglia Lines Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  261. Weiterbildungsstudium Arbeitswissenschaft
  262. Woodward Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
  263. Whitefield Academy Kentucky, Missouri
  264. World Art
  265. Western Arms Gun, Military, Airsoft
  266. Western Area
  267. Worldwide Assistance Products
  268. Wiges Act
  269. West Academy Texas
  270. Work Authorization NASA
  271. Wilderness Association
  272. Wyatt Alpert
  273. Wetkore Ave
  274. William Abner Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  275. World Asia-Pacific
  276. World Aikido Arts, Organizations, Dojo
  277. Wireless Access Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Telecom
  278. Washington & Atlanta Railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  279. Weight In Air Measurement, String, Drill
  280. Wheaton Academy Illinois
  281. World Army
  282. Western Arctfc Canada, Locations, Alaska, Sea
  283. Western Arm
  284. Wireless Assistant
  285. Widely Available Products
  286. Wage Ait
  287. Wrought Alloy
  288. Wallace Academy Tennessee
  289. Work Assignment Military, Governmental & Military
  290. Westminster Abbey Hotel, London, Locations
  291. William Alfonzo Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  292. World Architectire Technology, Community, Architect
  293. World Advocates
  294. Wire Assembly
  295. Warriors Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  296. Weak Acid An acid that only partially dissociates with its H+ according to Bronsted-Lowry Acid/Base Theory. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  297. Wildlife Areas Washington, Locations, Lake
  298. Wave Antenna
  299. Westminster Academy Florida, Tennessee
  300. Widow's Aulowance Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  301. World Area Hotel, Airport, Locations
  302. Western Arc Business, Satellite, Dish
  303. Wireless Assets
  304. Working Attorney Occupation & positions
  305. White and Ash Business, Furniture, Price
  306. Waferboard Assowiation
  307. Woolwich Armstrong
  308. Worcester Animal
  309. Williamsburg Academy South Carolina
  310. WestfäLischer Anzeiger Technology, History, Paper, Traffic
  311. War Arranger Military, Governmental & Military
  312. World Almansc
  313. Wsimea Arboretum
  314. World Advertising
  315. Wassenaar Arrangement The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies is a cooperative arrangement among a group of countries intended to voluntarily limit access to exports that might enhance the military capabilities of suspect countries. Named after the town in the Netherlands where it was negotiated in December 1995. Business & Finance, International business
  316. Wayland Academy Wisconsin
  317. Willlife Alliance Locations, Animal, Wolf
  318. Wainscot Woodwork lining the walls of a room or passage. Technology, Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  319. Wolfgang Amadeus Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  320. Wide Awakes
  321. World Architects
  322. Western Aramaic
  323. Wireless Application
  324. With Audio Media
  325. Wadsworth Atheneum
  326. Woodcliffe Apartment Locations, Rental, Rent
  327. Worcester Academy Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
  328. Wayne Academy Mississippi
  329. Wide Awkke Medical, Music, Lyric
  330. Western Ave Locations, Map, Apartment
  331. With Alias Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  332. World Alliance
  333. Wah Association
  334. Wait Awhile Assembly, Business & Finance
  335. Walsingham Academy Virginia
  336. Wildlife Tgent
  337. Windows Azure Technology, Service, Cloud
  338. Wyoming Alliance
  339. Walter Allen Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  340. Workingrarea Technology, Program, Structure
  341. World Archaeology Science, History, Archaeology, Scientific & Educational
  342. Wesdern Approaches
  343. Wireless Alerts
  344. Washington Accord Postal, Geographic
  345. Wadp Allen Movie, Con, Clothing
  346. Western Assurance
  347. Woolwich Arsenal
  348. Westford Academy Massachusetts
  349. Wide Area Technology, Networking, Network
  350. Western Kustralian Medical
  351. Western Approaches Military, Army, Washington, Weather, Regional, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State
  352. World Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  353. Wages Attorney

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WA stand for?

    WA stands for Woodycallen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Window Air?

    The short form of "Window Air" is WA.


WA. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 13). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wa-meaning/

Last updated