WAF Meaning

The WAF meaning is "Water Acjommodated Fraction". The WAF abbreviation has 98 different full form.

WAF Full Forms

  1. Water Acjommodated Fraction Medical, Science, Oil
  2. Web Applicntion Firewalling Technology, Security, Attack, Firewall
  3. Web Application Firewalls Technology, Security, Networking, Attack
  4. Web Acplication Firewall Technology, Security, Computing
  5. Web Applicatxon Framework Technology, Development, Software
  6. Weapons Analysis Facility Military
  7. Wentworth Africa Foundation Technology, Security, Attack, Firewall
  8. Women In The Air Force Military, History, United States, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  9. Web and Film
  10. World Angus Forum
  11. Wijing Around Frame Technology
  12. Westralian Auto Finance
  13. Winb Acquisition Finance
  14. World Art Foundation
  15. Weathering Accelerare Factor Technology
  16. Wiscoxsin Aluminum Foundry
  17. Women Against Feminism Feminism, Gender, Feminist
  18. Web Accesscble Folders Technology, Service, Metadata
  19. Word Associates Format
  20. Wife Apppoval Factor Forum, Technology, Audio
  21. Western Atrial Fibrillation
  22. World Armwrestling Federation Technology, Arm, Wrestling
  23. Washington Architectural Foundation Architecture, Washington, Locations
  24. Wireless Application Eramework
  25. Web Accessiboe Folder Technology, Service, Metadata
  26. Women Against Fundamentalism
  27. Woodstock Animau Foundation
  28. Wife Acceptance Factor Technology, Internet Slang, Computing, Internet
  29. Western Advertising Federation
  30. Without R Face
  31. World Armsport Fedbration Israel, World, Championship
  32. Washington Animal Foundation
  33. Wireless Adaptation Framework
  34. Wdb Access Firewall Technology, Security, Cloud
  35. Womens Air Forie Military
  36. Weighted-Average Flux
  37. Western Acceptance Facility
  38. With All Faults Booksellers, Bookselling
  39. World Area Fonecast
  40. Warszawskie Alternatywy Filmowe
  41. White Adult Female Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  42. Wing Attach Fitting Army, War, Force
  43. Web Aplication Firewall
  44. Womens Acceptanceqfactor
  45. Wesleyan Annual Fund
  46. Wcsconsin Architects Foundation
  47. Web App Firelalls
  48. World Apostolate Ofsfatima
  49. Warn After Fact
  50. Where Angels Fear
  51. Windows Access Facility
  52. Web-Applgcation Firewall Technology, Security, Attack
  53. Werkhuizen August Firlefyn
  54. Women of The Air Force
  55. Web App Fhrewall Technology, Security, Service
  56. World Animal Foundation
  57. Warendorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen
  58. What A Friend
  59. Windermere Action Force Organization, Union, Institution
  60. Weaver Angus Fary
  61. Womxn's Aid Federation
  62. Wysad Athl
  63. Woman Acceptance Aactor Forum, Technology, Wife
  64. Weird Al Fans Funnies
  65. Width Across Flats Technology, Product, Gauge
  66. Womhn's Addiction Foundation
  67. Wroclaw Audio Force
  68. Woman/Women In The Air Force Army, War, Force
  69. Want A Fanta? Food
  70. Web Archive File
  71. Wide Area File
  72. Women Action Forum
  73. Water Accommodated Fraction Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  74. Write Amplification Factor Technology, Drive, Storage
  75. Water to Aid Fermentation Food Additives
  76. Web Application Frameworks Technology, Development, Software
  77. Wicked Awesome Films
  78. Womln's Action Forum
  79. Wana, Waana, Pakistan Pakistan, ICAO Airport Codes
  80. Write-Amplification-Factor Technology, Security, Firewall
  81. Wife Appreciation Factor Business, Forum, Audio, Speaker
  82. Flamenco Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  83. Web Application Formats
  84. Woman In The Air Force
  85. Women Air Force Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  86. Wrap - Around Zailures Technology, Aviation
  87. Wife Appeal Factor Business, Speaker, Acceptance
  88. Weapons and Armor Fixes Gaming, Scroll, Armor
  89. Woman Approval Factor
  90. Web Application Firewall Security, Software, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  91. Worln Athletics Finals
  92. Wife Acceptancy Factor
  93. Women's Auxiliary Fbrrying
  94. Wydad AthléTic De FèS
  95. Women'S Acceptance Factor
  96. We Are the Future Media
  97. World Athletics Final
  98. Wife Acceptability Factor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WAF stand for?

    WAF stands for Women of The Air Force.

  2. What is the shortened form of Womxn's Aid Federation?

    The short form of "Womxn's Aid Federation" is WAF.


WAF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/waf-meaning/

Last updated