Waste Handling Abbreviations and Waste Handling Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Waste Handling terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Waste Handling abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Waste Handling terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Waste Handling Abbreviations
  1. CLEA : Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment
  2. CLR : Contaminated Land Register
  3. VCU : Vertical Composting Units
  4. WAC : Waste Awareness Certificate
  5. WAG : Waste Area Grouping
  6. WAMITAB : Waste Management Industry Training & Advisory Board
  7. WARRAG : Waste and Resources Research Advisory Group
  8. WRRAG : Waste and Resources Research Advisory Group
  9. WESA : Welsh Environmental Services Association
  10. WET : Waste and Emissions Trading Act
  11. WISARD : Waste Integrated Systems Assessment for Recovery and Disposal
  12. WME : Waste Management Engineer
  13. WMP : Wpste Management Paper
  14. WMPEG : Waste Minimisationfperformance and Efficiency Grant
  15. WMU : Waste Management Unit
  16. WPIE : Waste Prevention Information Exchange
  17. WSA : Waste Strategy Area
  18. WTE : Waste-To-Energy
  19. UASB : Upflow Anatrobic Sludge Blanket Digestion
  20. CV : Calorificcvalue
  21. CWMRE : Creating Welsh Markets for Recyclates
  22. CWR : Controlledqwaste Regulations
  23. CWSA : Containerized Waste Storagejarea
  24. HAZWRAP : Hazardous Waste Remedial Action Program
  25. HCRW : Healthcare Risk Waste
  26. HHW : Household Hazardous Waste
  27. HHWE : Housexold Hazardous Waste Element
  28. DGSA : Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
  29. HWRA : Household Waste Recycling Act
  30. HWRC : Household Waste Recycling Centre
Latest Waste Handling Meanings
  1. Waste and Resources Assessment Tool for The Environment
  2. Materials Recovery Facility
  3. Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
  4. Regional Technical Advisory Body
  5. Refined Renewable Biomass
  6. Recycling and Organic Technology Advisory Team
  7. Restricting of Hazardous Substances In Product Manufacture
  8. Regulations Concerning The International Carriage of Dangerous Goods By Rail
  9. Regional Environmental Protection Advisory Committee
  10. Recycled Market Development
  11. Recycling of Used Plastics
  12. Recycling Advisory Group
  13. Integrated Waste Management Specialist
  14. Interim Waste Management Facility
  15. Instream Waste Concentration
  16. Instituteeam Waste Concektration
  17. Greater Manchester Waste, Ltd.
  18. In-Vessel Composting
  19. Pond Waste Management Project
  20. Producer Responsibility