WB Meaning
The WB meaning is "Welcome Back". The WB abbreviation has 440 different full form.
WB Full Forms
- Welcome Back Internet Slang, Texting, Online, Forum, Computing, Computer, Chat, Telecom, Internet, Sms, Email, Game, Im, Web Slang, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Beaver Textile, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Waybill Document, issued by a shipping line to a shipper, which serves as a receipt for the goods and evidence of the contract carrier. Transportation, Business, B2B, Business & Finance, International business, Trade
- Wall Ball Sport, Workout, Fitness
- Winners Bitch Club, Dog, Bitch, Puppy
- Way Bill Document signed in triplicate, accompanying mails carried in a ship Gives details of mails and number of bags and sealed packets At destination, one receipted way bill is returned to sending office, one is given to receiving office, third is retained in ship. Document accompanying goods carried by a common carrier. Business, Service, Tax, Finance, Banking, Bengal
- Web Browser You are probably using a browser to read this right now. A Web browser, often just called a "browser," is the program people use to access the World Wide Web. It interprets HTML code including text, images, hypertext links, Javascript, and Java applets. After rendering the HTML code, the browser displays a nicely formatted page. Some common browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, and Apple Safari. Technology, Coding, Control
- Wet Sulb Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Winz Bar
- World Bank A multilateral development finance agency created by the 1944 Bretton Woods, New Hampshire negotiations. It makes loans to developing countries for social overhead capital projects, which are guaranteed by the recipient country. See Government, Finance, Environment, Banking, Legal, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Medical
- Web Based
- Western Immunoblot Medical, Fda
- Wclson Betemit
- World Best Sports, Olympic, Record
- Weathered Bronze Business, Light, Lighting
- Western Immunoblotting Medical
- Williams Brothers
- World'S Best Sports, Athletics
- Whistler Blackcomb Business, Holdings, Ski
- Women'S Bureau Business, Government, Labor, Governmental & Military
- Weather By
- Western Bulldogs Sport, Football, Match, Bulldog
- Williag Blake
- Whole Blood Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, Blood Test, Clinical, Common Medical
- Where You Been Internet Slang
- Wire Basket A cord and cable storage/management unit, designed for use under any desk or work surface. The wire basket is often used with a separatelyspecified power module. The wire basket is attached beneath the work surface or desk with screws.
- Weather Bureau The agency was known as the United States Weather Bureau from 1890 until it adopted its current name in 1970. The NWS performs its primary task through a collection of national and regional centers and 122 local weather forecast offices (WFOs). Technology, Military, Hurricane, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Western Blotting Identification of proteins or peptides that have been electrophoretically separated by blot transferring from the electrophoresis gel to strips of nitrocellulose paper, followed by labeling with antibody probes. Medical, Antibody, Blot
- Wily Be Technology, Movie, Networking, Network
- Wheel Bearings A wheel bearing is a mechanical component used to transfer load from one rotating component to another. Wheel bearings are typically designed to allow for the transfer or rotating motion while restricting linear motion. There are many different types of wheel bearings, depending on the application and the load range.
- Wore-Bonded Technology, Telecom
- Wachovia Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Western Blot Analysis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Woeat Bran Medical, Business, Science
- Wireless Belt Business, Audio, Anchor
- Work Benefit
- Wall Balls Fitness, Ball, Cross
- West Bank Locations, Israel, Palestinian
- Well-Balanceq
- Willisauer Bote
- Write Briefly
- Wine Bucket Business, Steel, Stainless
- Waveleygth Blocker
- White Board Business, Product, Electronics
- Without Bras
- Waiver for Business Business, Student, Visitor, Medical, Common Medical
- Weighing Balance
- Warner Blvd
- Western Buffer
- Wheel Balance
- White Balanje Photography, Camera, Balance, Setting
- Wear Bushing A part surrounding the drill string designed to wear instead of more expensive components of the rotary train.
- Wiley-Blackwell Medical, Medicine, Research, Education
- Wall Brace
- Well Born
- Willy Beamish
- Wash Brush Business, Pressure, Washer
- Wet-Bulb
- Wing Bowl
- Whitinger Busihess
- Weimarer BeiträGe
- Wrestling Board
- Water Base Water, Paint, Coating
- Wheek Brightener Product, Wheel, Cleaner, Detailing
- Wood Keds Business, Furniture, Bedroom
- Wadsley Bridge
- Weathered Brass Troy, House, Lamp, Brass
- Wide Body Technology, Aviation, Design, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- World Board
- Walvis Bay
- Wire Brushes Business, Product, Tool
- Worbbench Technology
- Walkley Black Technology, Carbon, Soil
- West Balkan
- Welfare Benefrts
- Willie Brown
- Write Boundary
- Wape Burst
- White Beard
- Without Brains
- Waiver Buiiness Business, Program, Immigration
- Weigh Bridge
- Warner Bratzler Force, Quality, Meat
- Western Brown
- Wine and Beer Food, Wine, Liquor
- Wide Bandwidth
- Waterproof Breathable Fabric, Jacket, Rain, Waterproof
- Wear Band
- Wildlife Branch
- Wall Boxes Technology, Product, Accessory
- Weldingmbureau
- Well Below
- Will To Believe
- Wash Boring
- Wing Body Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Way Behind Business, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
- Whita With Blue
- Weight Breaks Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Wrecking Ball
- Westwood Building
- Water Barrier
- Wheel Bearing A device which allows the wheel to rotate freely around the axle Business, Front, Rear
- Wood Badge Military, Scout, Boy Scout
- Wade Boggs Business, Baseball, Sport, Card
- Weather Bronze
- Wide Belt
- World Bible
- Walton Beach
- Work Breakdpwn Technology, Projection, Structure
- Wire Brush
- Whia Bang
- Worknbench Business, Product, Workbench
- Walkley-Black Technology, Carbon, Soil
- West Baden
- Willi Betz
- Write Binary Assembly, Business & Finance
- Waterfromt Bluff Organization, Union, Institution
- White Bass
- Withers Broadcasting
- Wait Cor Bus
- We Brothers Funnies
- Wiedenbach Brown Business, Management, Lighting
- Warner-Bratzler Quality, Meat, Texture
- West Building Company, University, Building, Convention
- Windows Basics
- Wisconsin Bench Business, Manufacturing, Wisconsin
- Wood Base Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Weapons Bay
- Wildlife Biologist
- Wall Box Technology, Product, Manual
- West Brunswick
- Wellbeing Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Willowbrook Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
- Wash Board A washboard is a tool designed for hand washing clothing. With mechanized cleaning of clothing becoming more common by the end of the 20th century, the washboard has become better known for its secondary use as a musical instrument.
- Wing Back Sport, Football
- Waxman-Bahrall
- White Over Black Color, Paint, Colors
- Weight-Bearing Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Weight and Balance Technology, Aircraft, Calculator, Gravity, NASA
- Wreck Beach
- Westminster Bridge Park, Locations, Plaza
- Washed Bladder Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Wheelbnse Back
- Wood-Boring
- Wachovia Corporationration Organizations
- Weather Board Each of a series of horizontal boards nailed to outside walls with edges overlapping to keep out the rain.
- Wide Beam Technology, Lighting, Boat
- World Bearers
- Walter Briggs
- Workbtok Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
- Wire Break
- Whittaker Bioproducts
- Work Based
- West Babylon
- Williamsburg Bridge
- Write Back Write back is a storage method in which data is written into the cache every time a change occurs, but is written into the corresponding location in main memory only at specified intervals or under certain conditions. When a data location is updated in write back mode, the data in cache is called fresh, and the corresponding data in main memory, which no longer matches the data in cache, is called stale. If a request for stale data in main memory arrives from another application program, the cache controller updates the data in main memory before the application accesses it. Internet Slang, Chat, Telecom, Technology, Computing, Texting, Assembly, Sms, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Water Bylass
- White Base Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- With Bugs
- Waist Belt Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- We Brood Funnies
- Wiedenbach-Brown Business, Design, Lighting
- Warm Boot Restarting a computer that is already turned on without first turning it off.
- With Blowing Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Wiren Board
- Weapon Block Gaming, Weapon, Assassin, Diablo
- Wildcraft Bangalore
- Wooden Box
- Wall Board
- West Brownsville
- Whll Being Medical, Technology, Science
- Willow Branch
- Washable Base Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Wing-Back
- Waxman & Bahcall
- White Butts Porn, Movie, Ass
- Wohlen-Bremgarten
- Weight Balancing Space, Study, Cosmos
- Warner Brothers Network Organizations, Television, United States, Television Network
- World Boss Fight, World, Bowser
- Weswfalen Bus Locations, Germany, Transport
- Washing Buffers
- Wheel Bast Technology, Car, Dodging
- Wobder Bread
- Will Book Genealogy, Genealogical
- Weatherboard Architecture, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Wide Base
- World Bond
- Walter Bauer
- Work Bfats
- Wire Bottom
- Whitney Bank
- Work-Bmsed
- William Bazeman London, Antique, Mark
- Write-Brained
- Water Bath
- Wqich Bible
- Wood Boiler Business, Pump, Pellet
- Waikiki Beach
- We Bovgie
- Widows Benefit Government
- Warm Beige
- With Base
- Wireless Broadband Computing, IT Terminology
- Wild Bunch Movie, Rig, Warner, Bunch
- Wood Burning Medical
- Wallberg Building
- West Bay Business, Technology, Cayman
- Well Boby Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Willow Beach
- Wasabi Bistro
- Wines & Bites Book, Hotel, Locations, Netherland
- Waves of Blooe
- Weber Weber is the unit of magnetic flux. Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis, Architecture, Construction
- White Butterfly Product, Butterfly, Shopping, Pipe
- Wladimir Balentien
- Weight Balance
- Warner Brothers Technology, Movie, Telecom, Media, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Westfblen-Blatt Bielefeld
- Wash Buffer Science, Protein, Protocol
- Wheel Balancinh
- Wilfrid Bennett
- Weather Band Business, Radio, Receiver
- William Byrne
- World Band
- Walter Baldwin
- Worz Boat
- Wet Baj
- Wire Bonding
- Whptmore Boogaerts
- Wrist Bands
- Water Basin
- Where The Brlthers
- Wood Blofks
- Wagon Box
- We Bloc
- Widow'S Benefit Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Warm Blood
- Witches Broom
- Wireless Bridge Technology, Networking, Network
- Wild Bronze
- Wood Boss Technology, Shopping, Chainsaw
- Wall Band Business, Product, Stainless
- West Baton
- Well Balanced Product, Beer, Yeast
- Williston Basin Business, Oil, Gas
- Warwick Beacon
- Wine Buyer
- Wavelength Blockers
- White Belt Technology, Training, Sigma
- Witte Brigade
- Weight & Balance
- Warner Bros Technology, Gaming, Studio
- Westfalen-Blatt
- Wheel Baloncer
- Wicker Business
- Weather Balloon
- William Baxnes
- Wall Bracing Business
- Work Block Technology
- Well Buried
- Wash Bucket
- Wit Bulk
- Winner'S Bitch Club, Dog, Bitch, Puppy
- Whitleo Bay
- Weimarer Beitr
- Wrinkle Black
- Water Based Aqueous) A coating in which the film forming ingredients are dissolved in or suspended in a volatile system containing water as the major solvent. Product, Water, Coating, Sealer
- Wheels Bun
- Wood Blacm
- Wags Bill Government, Us, Control, Administration
- We Blkck Organization, Union, Institution
- Wide Bore
- World Book
- Warm-Blooded A windbreak or shelterbelt is a plantation usually made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs planted in such a manner as to provide shelter from the wind and to protect soil from erosion. They are commonly planted around the edges of fields on farms.
- Wham Lam Movie, Organizations, Music
- Weak Beam
- William Benedict Famous
- Whole-Oody Medical, Technology, Imaging
- Welcome Back file Medical
- Warung Blogger
- White Blood
- Wrestling Brasil Para, Brasil, Wrestling, Match
- Water Buffalo Military, Governmental & Military
- Wieszak Belki
- Works Bell
- Writings of Bahá'U'LláH
- Wise Buy
- Wreck Batman Funnies
- Woori Bank
- Wilkeslbarre Organizations, City, Scranton, Penguin
- Waybill, Warehousevbook Business, Trading, Trade
- Warehouse Book Trade, Business & Finance
- Wold Bank
- Wales and Borders
- Western Blot Western blot is a widely used analytical technique used to detect specific proteins in a sample of tissue homogenate or extract. It uses gel electrophoresis to separate native proteins by 3-D structure or denatured proteins by the length of the polypeptide. Medical, Veterinary, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Fda
- Wild Berry
- Warren-Brown
- Weld Brazing
- Writers Block Media
- Work Budds
- Wen-Ein
- Window Belt
- Whale Poat
- Weakpbase Chemistry, Science, Acid
- Water Bureau Environment
- Whizc Bang
- Washbore
- Wartti Basket
- White Bishop Technology, Gaming, Chess, Animal, Game
- Wool Bureau
- Witherspoon Brothers Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
- Wiener BöRse
- Workiog Budget
- Wisdom of The Body Medical, Science, Medicine, Homeopathy, Physiology
- We Boogie Funnies
- Wbody Biomass
- Writing for Business
- Wildbblue
- Whistler Blackcomb Holdings Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Wohnen In Berlin
- Wanes & Borders
- Werktuigbouwkunde Dutch
- Wild Beast Music, Beast, Beasts, Watching
- Warrant Bond
- Wedge Block Tool, Cutter, Wedge, Grit
- White Balance White balance is a setting available on most digital cameras and camcorders that defines how the color white should appear in the current lighting conditions. A correct white balance setting prevents images from having a certain hue cast over the image, such as the greenish color caused by fluorescent lights. Media
- Welshgblack Business, Cattle, Grazing
- Window Begin
- Whale Bcue Business, Guitar, Custom
- We're Boged
- Welded Beam Engineering, Construction, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Waterboiler NASA
- Wartime Beddown
- Whkte Balance Technology, Photography, Balance
- Wojciech BilińSki
- We Believe Religion
- Working Boundary Military, India, Pakistan, Border
- Wheat Beex
- Wow Bad Funnies
- Woodland Beach
- Writing Board
- Wdde Band Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Westbound Travelling towards the west e.g. a west-bound flight. Weather, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, NOTAM Contractions
- Wohlen-Bremgarten-Bahn
- Waldwickdband
- William Benjamin United States, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Wild-Bytes Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
- Warner Brothers Television Network Media, Radio, Television
- Wyoming Basin
- Whining Babies Funnies
- Welsh Baccalqureate Student, Education, Requirement
- Wimm-Bill-Dann
- Wea Box
- Wayne Boricg Comics, Comic, Superman
- Week Beginning Days
- Walkwr Branch
- Water-Based Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Warren Buffet Business, Supply, Money
- William Brooks
- Worship Beelzebub Religion
- Working Iand
- West-Bersin
- What Bull Business, Forum, Israel, Palestinian
- Wonderful Beverley Funnies
- Write Byte Technology, Writing, Memory, Python
- Wideband A classification of the information capacity or bandwidth of a communication channel. Wideband is generally understood to mean a bandwidth between 64kbits/s and 2Mbit/s. Transmission medium or channel having a wider bandwidth than one voice channel Chemistry, Science, Military, Army, Study, Discipline, Electronic Engineering, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio, NASA
- Rwandair Express Airline, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Waldenfurger Bahn
- Wilderness Warbands Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Wiki Body
- Wrye Bash
- Weally Brainless Funnies
- Wellnpss Box
- Wilson Bohannan
- Wet Basis Technology, Food, Moisture, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Wayne Beair
- White Bottom Colors
- Walaer Bay
- Welch-Berlekamp
- Weak Base A base that only partially associates with H+ according to the Bronsted-Lowry Acid/Base Theory. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Warren Buffett Business, Investment, Investor, Warren
- Wholesale Brothers
- Weighbridge Known as a Weigh Station in the US. A vehicle weighing system which consists of a metal plate set into a road which vehicles, usually trucks with loads, are driven onto to be weighed to check if they are overladen. Ordnance Survey
- Workgroup Bridge
- Wess Ano Bagger
- Wharf Building
- Weak Bond Chemistry, Bond, Patent, Scientific & Educational
- white bread Food
- Write Buffer Technology, Writing, Memory
- Whole Brcin Medical, Technology, Gaming
- Waldemar Brobbrg Gun, Military, Colt, Mark
- Wanna Be Governmental & Military, Wannas
- Wii Brawl
- Warszawa-Bemowo Jest, Jak, Centrum
- Wrong Band
- Wisma Bahasa
- Welfare Broadcasting Funnies
- Wellcome Back
- Wilson Blair
- Woy Business Business, Service, Radio
- Weber Basin Architecture
- Wolfgang Bueschel
- Walk Behind Organization, Union, Institution
- Weirs Beach
- Will Blossom Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Wild Boar Jeep, Rack, Taxidermy, Boar
- Warren Beatty
- Wheel Brake Business, Sale, Caster
- White Boyzzzzz Music
- Workforce Board
- Wes Borland
- Whammy Bar Star, Guitar, Banner
- Weak Bisimulation
- William Butler Famous
- Write Bubble
- While Body Medical, Us, Department Of Defense
- Writing A Biography Student, Book, Education, Headway
- Wrjib Bayar Business, Indonesia, Banking, Orang
- Webelos Scouting, Governmental & Military
- Wiffle Ball
- WüRttemberg-Baden
- Written Burmese
- Wish Blade
- Wizz Banger
- Word Backwards
- Wilson-Blair Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Wilkes Barre Organizations, City, Scranton, Penguin
- Waybill, Wharehousecbook Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Wet Bulb Device used in measurement of relative humidity. Evaporation of moisture lowers temperature of wet bulb compared to dry bulb temperature in same area. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Wolf Blitzer Famous
- Wllk-Behind
- Weight Bearing Medical, Healthcare, Physiology, Clinical, Physio
- Wild Bird
- Warren Brown
- West Bengal Education, India, Exam
- White and Black Media
- Work Buffer
- Were Beast
- Windowblinds By
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WB stand for?
WB stands for White Balance.
What is the shortened form of Wire Bottom?
The short form of "Wire Bottom" is WB.
WB. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wb-meaning/
Last updated