WBG Meaning

The WBG meaning is "Wide-Band Gap". The WBG abbreviation has 35 different full form.

WBG Full Forms

  1. Wide-Band Gap Technology, Device, Power, Chemistry
  2. Fliegerhorst Schleswig Airport, Locations
  3. Walter Burley Griffin
  4. Wide Band Gap Technology, Power, Semiconductor
  5. World Bank Group Government, Development, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance, Business Word
  6. Wales Biodiversity Group
  7. Wide Band-Gap Technology, Power, Semiconductor
  8. World Beer Games
  9. Wahiawa Botanical Garden
  10. Why-Because Graph
  11. Wordmbased Game Development, Learning, Study
  12. Wahana Bersama Globalindo Business, Banking, Money, Investor
  13. Wholesale Banking Group
  14. West Bank and Gaza Strip Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Regional
  15. Word Basedegames
  16. The World Bank Group Sport, Organizations, International Organisations, General
  17. Whalen Berez Group
  18. Woodstoak Byrdcliffe Guild Technology, Artist, Colony
  19. Schleswig Air Base Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein,Germany Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  20. Washington Business Group
  21. Women'S Business Group
  22. World Botanical Gardens
  23. Wolfsburger BeschäFtigungs GemeinnüTzige
  24. Schleswig, Germany Germany, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  25. World Biz Global
  26. Worm Breeder'S Gazette Technology, Genetics, Biology, Media
  27. William B. Gould IV Famous
  28. Welby Brady & Greenblatt Business, Law, Construction, Archbishop
  29. West Bank and Gaza Business, Israel, Palestinian, Banking, Business & Finance
  30. Western Banking Group Banking, Business & Finance
  31. Wuhan Botanical Garden Science, China, Wuhan
  32. Wbrld Business Group
  33. Women'S Budget Group
  34. World Brotherhood of Gamers
  35. Women'S Boat To Gaza

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WBG stand for?

    WBG stands for Wordmbased Game.

  2. What is the shortened form of West Bank and Gaza?

    The short form of "West Bank and Gaza" is WBG.


WBG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wbg-meaning/

Last updated