WBL Meaning

The WBL meaning is "Wide Band Limiting". The WBL abbreviation has 45 different full form.

WBL Full Forms

  1. Wide Band Limiting Technology
  2. White Bear Lake Regional
  3. Web-Based Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
  4. Western Buckeye League Sport, League, Football
  5. Work-Based Learning Science, Program, Education
  6. Women Basketball League
  7. Women'S Basketball League League, Sports, Basketball
  8. Western Baseball League
  9. Women, Business and The Law Business, Banking, Economics
  10. Wisata Bahari Lamongan Hotel, Locations, Surabaya, Pantai
  11. Words Beats & Life
  12. West Business Law
  13. Womens Baseball League
  14. World Business Law Business, Distribution, Mail
  15. Wood Bat League
  16. West'S Business Law
  17. Women'S Baseball League
  18. World Brand Lab Business, Group, China
  19. Won'T Be Long
  20. Warren Branch Library Libraries, Reading, Books
  21. Wombat and Banter Lovers
  22. Women Business Leaders Organizations, Health, Care
  23. Work Based Learning Student, Science, Education
  24. Westfield Baseball League
  25. Web Based Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
  26. Womens Basketball League
  27. Women'S Professional Basketball League League, Sports, Basketball
  28. World Battle League
  29. Write Buffer Location
  30. Words Beats and Life
  31. Weird Blinking Lights Transportation, Military, General, Governmental & Military
  32. World Basketball League Business, Sport, Team
  33. World Business Lenders Business, Credit, Loan
  34. Argo WebLoad II Upload file Computing, File Extensions
  35. World Baseball League
  36. Wing Back Left Sport, Football
  37. Workshop On Blended Learning
  38. Wissengemeinschaft Blaue Liste Group, Business & Finance
  39. Working for Better Life
  40. World Boxing League Sport, Organizations, Champion
  41. World Banks List
  42. Worked Based Learning
  43. World Bocce League
  44. Wood Blocking Design, Drawing, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  45. Work Base Learning Student, Education, Experience

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WBL stand for?

    WBL stands for White Bear Lake.

  2. What is the shortened form of Argo WebLoad II Upload file?

    The short form of "Argo WebLoad II Upload file" is WBL.


WBL. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 3). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wbl-meaning/

Last updated