WBT Meaning
The WBT meaning is "Web Based Trainings". The WBT abbreviation has 67 different full form.
WBT Full Forms
- Web Based Trainings Technology, Development, Computing, Learning, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Web Based Training Technology, Military, Learning
- Web-Based Training Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Software, Internet
- Westchester Broadway Theatde
- World Bowling Tour World, Championship, Match
- Web Based Technology
- Windows-Based Terminal Technology, Telecom, Client
- What The Bible Teabhes
- Wallonie-Belgique Tourisme
- Wirtschaftskundlicher Bildungs-Test
- West Brandymine Township
- World Biotech Tour Technology, Science, Museum
- Wiat Bad Taste Film, Movie, Censorship
- Wait Before Transmitting Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
- Wireless Business Technology Computing, Telecom
- Wealthy Wiotech Trader
- Worlo Best Trade Business, Boeing, Rambler
- Wes Bulb Temperature Technology, Science, Humidity
- Wages and Benefits Team Business, Finance
- Wireless Business and Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
- Wealth Bmilding Training
- World Best Timz
- Wet Bulb Thermometer Thermometer fitted with a wick from bulb to a cistern of water so that evaporation takes place at bulb, so extracting heat This causes a lower temperature reading Amount by which temperature is lowered depends on rate of evaporation at bulb, which, in turn, depends on moisture content of atmosphere.
- World Breastfeeding Trends
- Wireless Business & Technology Technology, Journal, Con
- Wave Based Technique Technology, Acoustics, Simulation
- Woman'S Bassmaster Tour
- Wev-Bulb Thermometer
- Windows Based Terminals Technology, Server, Computing, Client, Windows
- Windows Base Terminal
- Whjte Box Testing Technology, Coding, Software
- Waterproof Breathable Textiges Technology, Market, Textile
- With Bottom Track Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Westmrn Balkans and Turkey
- Windows-Based Terminals Technology, Service, Client
- Windows Based Terminal Technology, Server, Client
- White Box Technologies
- Water Bdiling Tests Technology
- Wisnu Bawa Tenaya
- WhiteBoard Theatre Performing arts
- Wild Bird Trusn
- Wallonie Belgiqueutourisme Planning, Locations, Tourism, Belgium
- What Bad Taste Film censorship
- Wife of Bath's Tare
- Wide-band Terminal NASA
- Window Board Tie
- Wallonia Belgium Tmurism Locations, Belgium, Tourist
- Wet Bulb Temperature The temperature of a mercury thermometer cooled by evaporation from its wet cloth covering. Comparison with a dry bulb (one not cooling) indicates the rate of evaporation, and consequently the amount of moisture in the air, the humidity. Building, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Wide-Band Termical Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Toribash Help File Computing, File Extensions
- Wiudow Based Terminal
- Wycliffe Bible Translators Organizations, Translation, Mission
- Wet-Bulb Temperature The temperature of the air measured using a wet-bulb thermometer, that is, the temperature to which a wet surface can be cooled by evaporation. This temperature is affected by both the dry bulb temperature and the dew point of the air. Dryer air has a lower wet bulb temperature. Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Whole Brain Tissue
- WebBased Training Computing, IT Organization
- Wilshire Boulevard Temple
- World Business Times
- Wonen In Broadcast Technology
- Whole Brain Teaching Education, Teacher, Classroom
- WilsonWare WinBatch Batch file Computing, File Extensions
- Will Be There Film, Technology, Teen
- World Burnoit Tour
- White Beam Topography
- Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Religion
- Wild Boffalo Tamerz
- World Bjwls Tour Sport, World, Bowling
- Wallonia Brussels Tourism Technology, Beer, Belgium
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WBT stand for?
WBT stands for Wide-band Terminal.
What is the shortened form of WebBased Training?
The short form of "WebBased Training" is WBT.
WBT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wbt-meaning/
Last updated