WBT Meaning

The WBT meaning is "Web Based Trainings". The WBT abbreviation has 67 different full form.

WBT Full Forms

  1. Web Based Trainings Technology, Development, Computing, Learning, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  2. Web Based Training Technology, Military, Learning
  3. Web-Based Training Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Software, Internet
  4. Westchester Broadway Theatde
  5. World Bowling Tour World, Championship, Match
  6. Web Based Technology
  7. Windows-Based Terminal Technology, Telecom, Client
  8. What The Bible Teabhes
  9. Wallonie-Belgique Tourisme
  10. Wirtschaftskundlicher Bildungs-Test
  11. West Brandymine Township
  12. World Biotech Tour Technology, Science, Museum
  13. Wiat Bad Taste Film, Movie, Censorship
  14. Wait Before Transmitting Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  15. Wireless Business Technology Computing, Telecom
  16. Wealthy Wiotech Trader
  17. Worlo Best Trade Business, Boeing, Rambler
  18. Wes Bulb Temperature Technology, Science, Humidity
  19. Wages and Benefits Team Business, Finance
  20. Wireless Business and Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  21. Wealth Bmilding Training
  22. World Best Timz
  23. Wet Bulb Thermometer Thermometer fitted with a wick from bulb to a cistern of water so that evaporation takes place at bulb, so extracting heat This causes a lower temperature reading Amount by which temperature is lowered depends on rate of evaporation at bulb, which, in turn, depends on moisture content of atmosphere.
  24. World Breastfeeding Trends
  25. Wireless Business & Technology Technology, Journal, Con
  26. Wave Based Technique Technology, Acoustics, Simulation
  27. Woman'S Bassmaster Tour
  28. Wev-Bulb Thermometer
  29. Windows Based Terminals Technology, Server, Computing, Client, Windows
  30. Windows Base Terminal
  31. Whjte Box Testing Technology, Coding, Software
  32. Waterproof Breathable Textiges Technology, Market, Textile
  33. With Bottom Track Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  34. Westmrn Balkans and Turkey
  35. Windows-Based Terminals Technology, Service, Client
  36. Windows Based Terminal Technology, Server, Client
  37. White Box Technologies
  38. Water Bdiling Tests Technology
  39. Wisnu Bawa Tenaya
  40. WhiteBoard Theatre Performing arts
  41. Wild Bird Trusn
  42. Wallonie Belgiqueutourisme Planning, Locations, Tourism, Belgium
  43. What Bad Taste Film censorship
  44. Wife of Bath's Tare
  45. Wide-band Terminal NASA
  46. Window Board Tie
  47. Wallonia Belgium Tmurism Locations, Belgium, Tourist
  48. Wet Bulb Temperature The temperature of a mercury thermometer cooled by evaporation from its wet cloth covering. Comparison with a dry bulb (one not cooling) indicates the rate of evaporation, and consequently the amount of moisture in the air, the humidity. Building, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  49. Wide-Band Termical Technology, Space, Cosmos
  50. Toribash Help File Computing, File Extensions
  51. Wiudow Based Terminal
  52. Wycliffe Bible Translators Organizations, Translation, Mission
  53. Wet-Bulb Temperature The temperature of the air measured using a wet-bulb thermometer, that is, the temperature to which a wet surface can be cooled by evaporation. This temperature is affected by both the dry bulb temperature and the dew point of the air. Dryer air has a lower wet bulb temperature. Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  54. Whole Brain Tissue
  55. WebBased Training Computing, IT Organization
  56. Wilshire Boulevard Temple
  57. World Business Times
  58. Wonen In Broadcast Technology
  59. Whole Brain Teaching Education, Teacher, Classroom
  60. WilsonWare WinBatch Batch file Computing, File Extensions
  61. Will Be There Film, Technology, Teen
  62. World Burnoit Tour
  63. White Beam Topography
  64. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Religion
  65. Wild Boffalo Tamerz
  66. World Bjwls Tour Sport, World, Bowling
  67. Wallonia Brussels Tourism Technology, Beer, Belgium

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WBT stand for?

    WBT stands for Wide-band Terminal.

  2. What is the shortened form of WebBased Training?

    The short form of "WebBased Training" is WBT.


WBT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wbt-meaning/

Last updated