WBVT Meaning

The WBVT meaning is "Whole Bvdy Vibrational Training". The WBVT abbreviation has 10 different full form.

WBVT Full Forms

  1. Whole Bvdy Vibrational Training Body, Plate, Exercise, Muscle
  2. Whole Body Vibration Lechnology
  3. Wholenbody Vibration Therapy
  4. Wide-Band Videotape Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  5. Whole Body Vibration Trarning Medical, Exercise, Muscle
  6. Wide Band Video Tape
  7. Wide- Bald Video Tape Media, Radio, Television
  8. Wide-Band Video Tape Science, Geography, Location, Media, Music, Geographic
  9. former LPTV-39, Burlington, Vermont (now WGMU-TV) Tv stations
  10. Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WBVT stand for?

    WBVT stands for Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust.

  2. What is the shortened form of former LPTV-39, Burlington, Vermont (now WGMU-TV)?

    The short form of "former LPTV-39, Burlington, Vermont (now WGMU-TV)" is WBVT.


WBVT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wbvt-meaning/

Last updated