WC in Engineering Meaning

The WC meaning in Engineering terms is "Wireless Communication". There are 4 related meanings of the WC Engineering abbreviation.

WC on Engineering Full Forms

  1. Wireless Communication Wireless communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. The most common wireless technologies use radio.
  2. Wireless Communications Wireless communications refers to the transmittion of signals through the air rather than through a wired connection. Wireless communications are transferred by energy signals such as infrared, radio frequency, laser/light, or acoustic transmissions.
  3. Waldwick Crossover
  4. Water Closet (in building plans)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WC stand for Engineering?

    WC stands for Wireless Communications in Engineering terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wireless Communications in Engineering?

    The short form of "Wireless Communications" is WC for Engineering.


WC in Engineering. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wc-meaning-in-engineering/

Last updated