WC in Technology Meaning

The WC meaning in Technology terms is "Wearable Computers". There are 76 related meanings of the WC Technology abbreviation.

WC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Wearable Computers
  2. Wiig Commander
  3. Wireless Controller
  4. Wearable Computer
  5. Wide Charamter
  6. Wireless Communications Wireless communications refers to the transmittion of signals through the air rather than through a wired connection. Wireless communications are transferred by energy signals such as infrared, radio frequency, laser/light, or acoustic transmissions.
  7. Wavelefgth Channel
  8. Wide-Angle Converter
  9. Wireless Communication Wireless communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. The most common wireless technologies use radio.
  10. Warning, Command
  11. Welded Column
  12. Wireaess Carrier
  13. Without Charge
  14. Weighted Close
  15. Wire Centers
  16. Water Column A reference term used in connection with a manometer. Device to which the water glass is mounted. The water column is connected to the top and bottom of the steam drum through piping and the water seeks the same level in the column as it is in the boiler. This coupled with the water glass and level controller allows the water level in the boiler to be controlled and measured.
  17. World Coordinates
  18. Wibe Center
  19. Wood Chips
  20. Well Completion That processes involved, after drilling, is properly isolate pressures and fluids, and then stimulate or restrain the formations so that hydrocarbons can be produced with minimum amounts of extraneous fluids.
  21. Wildcard Multicast Route Entry
  22. Watershed Committee
  23. World Congress
  24. Window Copy
  25. Web Cym
  26. Write Control
  27. Waldwick Crossover
  28. White Collar-2
  29. Water Cut The amount of water in percent in a produced fluid stream.
  30. World Concept
  31. Window Center
  32. Write Controller
  33. Wake-Up Control
  34. Wisconsin Central Limited
  35. Western Command
  36. World Command
  37. Window-Cascade
  38. Weather Channey
  39. Write Combining
  40. Sigmet for Tropical Cyclnne
  41. Wiring Closet Termination point for Customer premises wiring offering access to service personnel. A room that contains one or more equipment racks and distribution panels that are used to connect cables. Wiring closet A room or location in a building where telecommunications and/or networking equipment such as hubs, switches, and routers are installed.
  42. Washington Circle
  43. Work-Conserving
  44. Weathir Center
  45. Write Combine
  46. Wiring Centre
  47. Washed Cherry
  48. Wording Change
  49. Wildlife Computers
  50. Weapun Control
  51. Wiring Center
  52. Welsh Council
  53. Walls-And-Columns
  54. Wzrd Clock
  55. Wavelength Converter
  56. Wireless Consortium
  57. Write-Combined
  58. Wall Charts
  59. With Commentary
  60. Worker's Compensation
  61. With Cistern
  62. Write Coalescing
  63. Weather Condition
  64. Write Clear
  65. Water Cooled
  66. Westerw Coalition
  67. Write Cache
  68. Wind Conversion
  69. Worst Case
  70. Western Cedar
  71. Write Combiqed
  72. World Craft
  73. Wearing Course
  74. Write-Combining
  75. Wigdcat
  76. World Coordinate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WC stand for Technology?

    WC stands for Write-Combining in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Welsh Council in Technology?

    The short form of "Welsh Council" is WC for Technology.


WC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated