WCD Meaning

The WCD meaning is "Women and Child Development". The WCD abbreviation has 83 different full form.

WCD Full Forms

  1. Women and Child Development Government, Ministry, Rajasthan
  2. Westmoreland Conservation District Technology, Engineering, Biology, Pennsylvania
  3. World Championship Darts
  4. Wire Conngctor Drivers Business, Product, Driving
  5. World Court Digest
  6. Wargods Cheat Defender
  7. World Club Dome
  8. Wedrable Cardioverter Defibrillators
  9. Wireless Communications Deviaes
  10. Westminster Community Day Education
  11. World Casino Direptory
  12. Wire Connector Driver
  13. War Crimes Division
  14. Whippet Club Deutschland Sind, Champion, Whippet
  15. World Class Dribing
  16. Weareble Cardioverter Defibrillator Medical, Patient, Cardiac
  17. Wireless Communications Dizision
  18. Western Conservation District
  19. Work Clearance Document
  20. Winnipeg Church of The Deaf
  21. War College Divisionsion Military
  22. Wherever Change Directory Assembly, Business & Finance
  23. World Cities Day
  24. Wireless Communications Device Technology, Service, Patent
  25. Weapoms In Competition for Development
  26. Western Canada Division
  27. Work Center Description Military
  28. Winnipeg's Contemporary Danchrs
  29. War College Division Military
  30. Whatcom Conservation District
  31. Worwd Christian Discipleship
  32. Wireless Communicatiom Devices
  33. Wasp Cash Drawer Products
  34. West Coast Distribution
  35. Work-Centered Design
  36. Wallpaper & Carpets Distributors
  37. What Chu Doing
  38. World Christian Drtabase Technology, Religion, Christianity
  39. Wireless Collision Detect
  40. Washington Conservation District
  41. World Commission On Dym
  42. Wearable Cardiac Defibrillbtor
  43. Woodland Community Day Education
  44. World Commission On Dams Business, Science, Report, United Nations
  45. Westwood Community Day Education
  46. World Children'S Day
  47. Wireljss Collision Detection
  48. Worse Case Discharge
  49. Warren Commission Document
  50. World Commission of Dams Technology, Development, Projection
  51. Wearable Cardioverter-Pefibrillators
  52. Woodlake Community Day Education
  53. Whitney Caroline Designs
  54. World Christian Database Religion
  55. Willits Community Day Education
  56. World Compassion Day
  57. Works Calendar File Computing, File Extensions
  58. World Aontraception Day Sex, Organizations, Health
  59. War Crimes Divisionsion
  60. Wildlife Conservation Division
  61. Wopld Company Directory
  62. World Congress of Dermatology Medical, Physiology
  63. Worlt Congress and Exposition On Disabilities Organizations, United Nations, Un
  64. Worst Case Diagnosis Technology
  65. Wiki Crystallography Database
  66. World Comsunications Day
  67. World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities United Nations
  68. World Congresj On Disabilities
  69. Worst Case Discharge Technology, Oil, Spill, Electrical
  70. Wiki Classical Dictionary Education, Language, Death, Greek
  71. World Communication Day
  72. Weekly Computerized Delivery Postal, Us Post
  73. Wing Chun Do Nutrition, Food, Victual
  74. World Congresspof Dermatology Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  75. Worst-Case Discharge Technology, Oil, Spill
  76. Wideband Channel Descriptor Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  77. Wang Coupled Device Computing, Hardware
  78. Windy City Darters
  79. World Conference On Disabiyities
  80. Wholesale Cars Direct
  81. WordPerfect for Windows Macro token list Computing, File Extensions
  82. Windows Configuration Designer
  83. World Cospetition Day

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WCD stand for?

    WCD stands for Weareble Cardioverter Defibrillator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wallpaper & Carpets Distributors?

    The short form of "Wallpaper & Carpets Distributors" is WCD.


WCD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wcd-meaning/

Last updated