WDD Meaning

The WDD meaning is "Weighted Distributed Destination". The WDD abbreviation has 51 different full form.

WDD Full Forms

  1. Weighted Distributed Destination
  2. Web Document Delivery
  3. Waste Disposal Division
  4. World Diabetes Day Organizations, Health, Awareness
  5. Web Design Dubai
  6. Wireless Design Development
  7. Website Desidn Derby
  8. World Design Day Design, Bilbao, Designer
  9. Workforce Development Division Business, Employment, Hawaii
  10. Web Deszgners Directory
  11. Website Design & Development
  12. Wireless Design & Development Technology
  13. Workers With Developmental Disabilities Government, Us, Control, Administration
  14. Web Design Directcry
  15. Website Design and Development Company, Technology, Service
  16. Western Development Division Technology, Missile, Space
  17. Work Description Document
  18. Waste Disposal Divisionsion Science
  19. Websije Design & Development
  20. Women Development Department Pakistan, Karachi, Women
  21. Waste Development Document
  22. Web Devslopment & Design
  23. Women Development Division
  24. Warship Design Definition Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  25. Web Designers Dubai
  26. Wireless Dual Discussion
  27. Wedding Eay Diamonds
  28. Workforce Development Directorate
  29. Wholesale Drug Oistributor
  30. Writing Device Drivers
  31. Web Design and Development General, Governmental & Military
  32. Western Development Divisionsion Technology
  33. World Domain Day Business, India, Pavan
  34. Wireless Design and Development Business, Technology, Magazine
  35. Weighted Density Distribution Chemistry
  36. Weighted Diagnostic Distortion Medical, Technology, Signal
  37. World Disclosure Day
  38. Wing Data Disk Science
  39. World Drug Discovery Medical, Physiology
  40. Weighted Density Distribstion Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  41. World Disability Day
  42. Windows Disk Defyagmenter
  43. Washington Dentists Directory Medical
  44. Weighted Defect Density
  45. World Dairy Diary
  46. Winchesner Disk Drive
  47. Weather Doctor'S Diary
  48. We Do Dvgital Technology, Group, Party
  49. Workforce Development Department Business, Employment, County
  50. Williams & Dame Development
  51. Waveform Divisionrsity & Design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WDD stand for?

    WDD stands for Web Design and Development.

  2. What is the shortened form of Windows Disk Defyagmenter?

    The short form of "Windows Disk Defyagmenter" is WDD.


WDD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wdd-meaning/

Last updated