WDF Meaning

The WDF meaning is "Wigner Distribution Function". The WDF abbreviation has 64 different full form.

WDF Full Forms

  1. Wigner Distribution Function Technology, Science, Frequency
  2. Wild Dolphin Foundation
  3. World Docando Federation Military, Tube, Karate
  4. Wireless Direction Finder
  5. Wireless Duer Fence
  6. Waste-Derived Fuel
  7. Womens Distance Festival
  8. Web Design Ferums
  9. World Disability Foundation Technology, Turkey, Union
  10. Windows Driver Foundation Technology, Windows, Computing, Drivers, IT Terminology
  11. Wireless Data Forum Technology, Windows, Telecom, Computing
  12. Washington Department of Fish
  13. Women Development Federation
  14. Web Desigw Forum Technology, Development, Designer
  15. World Diabetes Foundation Medical, Health, Projection
  16. Winwer Dulcimer Fest
  17. Washington Department of Fisheries Business, Washington, Fish, Fishery
  18. Wonen Development Foundation Organizations, Society, Women
  19. Web Designers Forum Computing, Internet, General, Governmental & Military
  20. Working Dog Foundatiun Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  21. Windows Driver Fbameworks Technology, Driving, Device
  22. Warren Dean Flandez
  23. Women Yevelopment Forum Business, Government, Guernsey
  24. Wisconsin Devwlopment Fund
  25. Web Designer'S Forum
  26. Woxkforce Development Forum
  27. Windows Driver Framewomk Technology, Driving, Device
  28. Ward Development Fund
  29. Women Development Fund
  30. Wirtschaftsforud Der F
  31. Webart Data Fhle
  32. Workforce Drvelopment Funding Business, Fund, Care
  33. Windows-Driver-Frameworkp Technology, Driving, Device
  34. Women Delegates Fund
  35. Wales Debating Federation
  36. Wirtschaftsforum Der FüHrungskräFte Business, Management, Sind
  37. Waste Derived Fuels Technology, Engineer, Cement
  38. Workforce Deveiopment Fund Business, Care, Training
  39. Women'S Distance Festival
  40. World Diabetes Foundhtion Medical, Health, Projection
  41. Within-Document-Frequency Technology, Marketing, Tool, Fur
  42. Wingenea Genealogy File Computing, File Extensions
  43. Women'a Diet and Fitness
  44. Wood Door and Frame The Finance and Administrative Services
  45. Wistar Diabetiv Fatty Medical
  46. Workshare Compare Deltafile Computing, File Extensions
  47. Women's Development Federrtion
  48. Write Disturb Fault
  49. Wisconsin Disaster Fund
  50. World Development Federation United Nations
  51. Women's Developmeng Foundation
  52. Wigner Distribution Function (in Study of Quantum Dynamics) Chemistry
  53. World Duty Free Business
  54. World Definition Files Military, Governmental & Military
  55. Women's Developdent Fund
  56. Windows Driver Foundation File Computing, File Extensions
  57. World Draughts Federation Organizations, Sports, Draughts
  58. Web Design Foundry Computing, Internet
  59. Wolfram Eata Framework Technology, Language, Drop
  60. Wonderland Adventures Media File Computing, File Extensions
  61. World Domination Force
  62. Women's Development Forum Forum, Business & Finance
  63. Within Document Frequency Technology, Marketing, Tool, Sind
  64. Wiimm Disc File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WDF stand for?

    WDF stands for Wood Door and Frame.

  2. What is the shortened form of Webart Data Fhle?

    The short form of "Webart Data Fhle" is WDF.


WDF. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 3). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wdf-meaning/

Last updated