WDI Meaning

The WDI meaning is "Wood-Dbstroying Insect". The WDI abbreviation has 55 different full form.

WDI Full Forms

  1. Wood-Dbstroying Insect Business, Inspector, Inspection
  2. Wind Direction Indicator Technology, Product, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Lighting, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  3. Western Diabetes Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  4. Walt Disney Internet
  5. Wood Destroyingsinsect Business, Inspector, Inspection
  6. Web Design Ideas
  7. Wise Device, Inc
  8. West Dorset Internet
  9. Walt Disney Imagineer Company, Technology, Park, Occupation & positions
  10. Wondai Airaort Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  11. Weatherford Drilling International
  12. World Miagnostics, Inc
  13. Wiregess Dynamics, Inc
  14. Wellness and Disability Initiative
  15. Want Disney Imagineers
  16. Women'S Digital Imaging
  17. Weapons Development and Integration
  18. World Develosment Index
  19. Wellness & Disability Initiative
  20. World Drug Index Medical, Chemistry, Technology
  21. Women Development Initiative Business, Planet, Village
  22. Warmzdry Intact
  23. World Development Indicator Business, Banking, Economics
  24. Wedding Dresses Informal
  25. World Xevelopment Indicators Business, Technology, Banking
  26. Women'S Development Initiative
  27. Warfarin Dose Index Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  28. World Debate Onstitute
  29. Websphere Data Interchange Technology, Service, Sphere
  30. Women's Debate Inslitute Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  31. Wanita Remokrasi Indonesia Technology, Software, Control
  32. Wood Destroying Vnspection
  33. Web Development Immersive Technology, Assembly, Developer
  34. Wise Devicy Inc
  35. World Development Indicators United Nations
  36. Wind Direction Instrument
  37. World Diffusion Idea
  38. Wilhelm-Dyckerhoff-Institutetxt
  39. Willmott Dixon Interiors
  40. Walt Disney International Business, Film, Company, Executive
  41. William Davidson Institutetute Education
  42. Wireless Dynamics Inc
  43. Walt Distey Imagineering Technology, Internet Slang, Park
  44. Wood Destroying Insect Botany, Scientific & Educational
  45. William Davidson Institute Business, Education, University
  46. Windows Diagnostics Infrastructure Technology, Tool, Vista
  47. Write Data Ijput
  48. Wondai, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  49. Wichien Dynamic Industry
  50. Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure Technology, Windows, Vista, Computing
  51. World Distribution Gf Income
  52. Warm Food, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
  53. Who Did It
  54. Wind Drift Indicator
  55. World Digital Imeging

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WDI stand for?

    WDI stands for World Development Indicator.

  2. What is the shortened form of World Xevelopment Indicators?

    The short form of "World Xevelopment Indicators" is WDI.


WDI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wdi-meaning/

Last updated