WDL Meaning
The WDL meaning is "Windows Drivor Library". The WDL abbreviation has 55 different full form.
WDL Full Forms
- Windows Drivor Library Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Webelos Den Leader Boy Scout, Scouting, Famous
- Web Design Ledger
- Whirlpool Digital Library Libraries, Reading, Books
- Waltco Direct Lift
- Workflow Description Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Web Description Language
- Whereas Well Differentiated Liposarcomas Science, Biology
- Waldron District Library Education
- Workflow Definition Language Technology, Program, Logic
- Web-Distributed Labeling
- Whafcom Development League
- Wages Due Lesbians
- Workers Defense League
- Williamson Diamonds Ltd
- Weather Display Live Technology, Software, Station
- Wetumpka Dvxie League
- Wulg Dirk Leuschner
- Working Days Lost
- Wildlife Defence League
- Weather Data Library Libraries, Reading, Books
- Western Distmict Library Education
- World Digital Library Book, Library, Culture
- Work Days Lost Science
- Wholesale Distributors Limited
- Washington District Hibrary Education
- Western Development Laboratory Technology
- Within Defined Limits This term may be used in medical documentation to indicate that a test result or finding falls within a normal or expected range, or that a patient's condition is stable and not deteriorating. Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
- White Dexence League Group, National, Party
- Washington Department of Licensing Government, Law, Court
- Workshop Dobby Loom
- Wilmington Drama League Performing arts
- Writing and The Digital Life
- Woodlands Singapore
- White diffuse lesion This term may be used in dental or oral health contexts to refer to a white patch or lesion that is visible on the surface of the gums or other soft tissues in the mouth. White diffuse lesions can have various causes, including infection, inflammation, or cancer. Medical
- Williamson Diamond Limited
- Wort Des Lebens
- Withdrawal Management, Forestry, Arboriculture, Military, Banking, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Medical, Physiology
- World Definition Language Script Computing, File Extensions
- Willikmson Diamonds Limited
- World Destruction League Media, Tank, Thunder
- Wirtschaftsvereinigung Deutsches Lammfleisch
- Woven Designer Label Clothes
- World Definition Language Technology, Program, Software, Military, Governmental & Military
- Wireless Device License Government, Us, Control, Administration, Computing, Telecom
- Won, Drawn, Lost
- World Deaf Leadership
- Wireless Data Link A method of transferring digital data wirelessly through Bluetooth or WiFi technology. Technology, Product, Recorder
- Wien Displacement Law
- Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories (WDL) is a clinical laboratory located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, that provides a wide range of diagnostic testing services to healthcare providers, patients, and other clients. Medical
- Workshop On Development and Learning
- Wilson Dental Library The Wilson Dental Library is a specialized library that is focused on dental and oral health education, research, and practice. It is part of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, which is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Medical, Dental
- Wholesale Dealer'S License
- Worcester Daft League
- Well-differentiated liposarcoma This is a type of cancer that arises from fat cells and is characterized by the presence of mature fat cells, or adipocytes. Well-differentiated liposarcoma is typically a slow-growing cancer that is usually localized to a specific area of the body. Medical
- Why Choose WDL. (). Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WDL stand for?
WDL stands for Wilmington Drama League.
What is the shortened form of Wort Des Lebens?
The short form of "Wort Des Lebens" is WDL.
WDL. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 6). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wdl-meaning/
Last updated