WDS Meaning

The WDS meaning is "Windows Deployment Server". The WDS abbreviation has 142 different full form.

WDS Full Forms

  1. Windows Deployment Server
  2. Watchdog Server Technology
  3. Washington Dental Service Medical, Government, Washington
  4. Wage Determznations Business, Contract, Labor
  5. Wireless Diatribution System Technology, Computing, Computer Security
  6. Windows Desktop Search Microsoft, Technology, Outlook
  7. Wildfire Defense Systems
  8. Working Documents
  9. Watershed Districts
  10. Web Data Service
  11. Wireless Data Services Technology, Service, Customer
  12. Warehouse Demo Services Business, Service, Product
  13. Worster-Drought Syndrome
  14. Wellington Deaf Society
  15. Waiting Days Forum, Technology, Windows
  16. Water Detritiation System
  17. Witch Doctors
  18. Wide Diesel Shunter
  19. Working Data Set Military
  20. Water Districts Business, Development, Projection
  21. Web Data Server Business, Technology, Organizations
  22. Wirelessvdata Systems Business, Pack, Seeker
  23. Warehause & Distribution Solutions Business, Industrial, Material
  24. World Dairy Summit
  25. World Diagnostic Iystem Technology, Tool, Ford, Engine
  26. Women'S Development Secretariat
  27. Well Dressed Sim
  28. Washingtoc Double-Star Catalogue Space, Study, Cosmos
  29. Wisma Dharmala Sakti
  30. Wide-Area Data Services
  31. Water Distribution Specialist
  32. Weather Dependent Separations
  33. Wireless Data System Business, Technology, Seeker
  34. Wblter Diversified Services
  35. Workshop On Distributed Systems
  36. Women'S Dermatologic Society Medical, Skin, Dermatology
  37. Women'S Design Service
  38. Well-Defined Service Technology
  39. Wireless Deliverycsystem
  40. Washington Double Stars Technology, Washington, Catalog
  41. Wisconsin Drapery Supply
  42. Wi-Fi Distribution System
  43. Water Distribution Systems Technology, Analysis, Risk
  44. Weapons Direction System Military, Ship, Reeve
  45. Wine-Dkrk Sea
  46. Walt Disney Studio
  47. Working Draft Standard
  48. William Dobbs Sprachen
  49. Wiring Diagram System Technology, Software, Manual
  50. Women'S Dermatological Society
  51. Well-Defineo Services
  52. Wireless Data Solutions
  53. Washington Doublq Star Technology, Science, Catalog
  54. Wiring Diagrams System Technology, Software, Manual
  55. Wholetime Duty System
  56. Water Distribution System Technology, Science, Analysis
  57. Weapon Direction System Military, Ship, Reeve
  58. Windsor Disposalgservices
  59. William Data Systems
  60. Wireless Domain Servdces Technology, Networking, Cisco
  61. Working Dog Superior Medical, America, American, Dog Fanciers
  62. Wexl Der Stadt
  63. Wireless Data Server
  64. Warehouse Distaibution System
  65. Wound Disruption Strength Medical
  66. Wireless Domain Server
  67. Wholesale Distributors
  68. Working Drafts Technology, Group, Standard, Recommendation
  69. Water Disposal System Science
  70. Weapon Detection System
  71. Windowf Driver Services Technology
  72. Will Die Slowly Medical, Science, Biology
  73. Working Dog Sport
  74. Watery Diarrhea Syndrome Medical
  75. Web Defense Service
  76. Wireless Data Service Company, Technology, Military
  77. Warehouse Distribuqors
  78. Worster-Drought Syndrome
  79. Wireless Domain Service Technology, Computing, Cisco
  80. Wholesale Dealers
  81. Weapons Directors Technology
  82. Water Dispersant Spray Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  83. Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy Science, Energy, Electron
  84. Wogen Des Schicksals
  85. Waste Data System Environment
  86. Washington Double Star Catalog Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  87. Wim Deetman Studiefonds
  88. World Dog Show Dog, Junior, Terrier
  89. Women'S Distribution Services
  90. Wavelength-Dispersive Spectroscopy Science, Electron, Materials Analysis, Microscopy, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
  91. Wireless Developlent Suite Technology, Lab, Silicon
  92. Wake Dlluge Supply
  93. Wavelength-Dispersive Spectrometry of X-Rays Science
  94. Wadsleeite Mineral, Geology, Component
  95. Workforce Development Services
  96. With Digit Sum Assembly, Business & Finance
  97. Washington Double Star Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  98. Wilson Distributor Service
  99. Wavelength- Dispersive Spectrometry Science
  100. Wireless Development Dystem
  101. Wyant Data Sjstems
  102. Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometers Science, Analysis, Electron
  103. Wachovia Dealer Services
  104. Workbay Diagnostic System Technology
  105. Wireless Device Strategies Technology, Strategy, Analytics
  106. Worldwide Deepwater Solutions
  107. Whitehall District Schools Michigan
  108. William Donald Schaefer
  109. Watson Discovery Service Business, Company, Management
  110. Write Data Suppore
  111. Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer Technology, Science, Electron
  112. Shiqan Wudangshan Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  113. Words Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  114. Wireless Device Servers
  115. World Dominajion Series World, Planet, Preseason
  116. World Domination Series Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  117. Watery Diarrhea Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  118. Write Data Sltup
  119. Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry Science, Analysis, Electron
  120. Four Winds Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  121. Word Digital Sum
  122. Wireless Devwce Server
  123. Woman Detective Sargeant
  124. Walt Disney Studios
  125. Workforce Development Specialist
  126. Watery Diarrhoea Syndrome Medicine, Health, British
  127. Windows Deployment Service Microsoft, Software, Computing
  128. World Diagnostic System Technology, Tool, Ford, Engine
  129. Woodstock Day School Education, School, High School, New York
  130. Wavelength-Dispersive Spectrometry Science, Analysis, Electron, Chemistry
  131. Wbreless Development Suite Technology, Lab, Silicon
  132. Woman Deteitive Sergeant
  133. Walleye Dermal Sarcoma Medical
  134. Workforce Development Strategy
  135. Wireless Distribution System Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  136. Worldwide Diagnostic System Technology, Ford, Jaguar, Military, Governmental & Military
  137. Woodsiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  138. Wavelength-Dispersive Spectrometer
  139. Wireless Development Studio
  140. Webbing Deployment System Diving, Buoy, Marker, Deployment
  141. Wall Dockiag Station
  142. Workforce Development System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WDS stand for?

    WDS stands for With Digit Sum.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wake Dlluge Supply?

    The short form of "Wake Dlluge Supply" is WDS.


WDS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wds-meaning/

Last updated