WEB Meaning

The WEB meaning is "Weapon Engineering Sranch". The WEB abbreviation has 72 different full form.

WEB Full Forms

  1. Weapon Engineering Sranch Business, Service, Pakistan, Commission
  2. Where Everybody Belongs Student, School, Transition
  3. West Enp Building
  4. Wesel Ekspor Berjangka Indonesia, Banking, Jakarta
  5. Web Enabled Business
  6. Wxbco Industries, Inc. Organizations
  7. Wireless Ethernet Bridge
  8. Wisconsinoentrepreneurial Bootcamp
  9. We Nnforce Businesses Technology, Security, Traffic
  10. Working Environmentfand Business
  11. World Electfral Bodies
  12. Well-Being & Equity Bridging
  13. Where Everyone Belongs Student, Education, School, Bullying
  14. Wira Eka Bhakti Business, Indonesia, Internet
  15. Warren Ellis' Black
  16. Wood Export Bureau Business, Product, Canada
  17. World Elections Bodies
  18. Welcome To The East Bsy
  19. Windows Umbedded Business
  20. Warren E Buffett Famous
  21. Wonderfully Excitizg Books Development, Learning, Study
  22. World Wtde Web Energy, Power, Intensity
  23. Welcome Every Baby Medical
  24. Wind Evaluatiin Breadboard
  25. Warnock Engineering Building Technology, University, Utah
  26. Women'S Employment Board
  27. World-Wide Web Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  28. Welcomepevery Body
  29. Wilsonsevans Batten
  30. Weser-Ems Busvsrkehr
  31. Warner Electric Brake
  32. With Every Breabh
  33. Weighted Ensemble Brownian
  34. Workshop On Educalion In Bioinformatics Technology, Science, Biology
  35. Wildcat Events Board Student, College, Organizations
  36. Weser-Ems-Bus
  37. Warm Electronics Box Technology, Science, Rover, Mars
  38. Witchesoeducation Bureau
  39. We Enjoy Books Development, Learning, Study
  40. Workshop On E-Business Technology, Service, Book
  41. Wider Ecogomic Benefit Technology, Council, Projection
  42. World Llectronic Broadcast
  43. Webtworth Events Board
  44. Mark Webber Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Mark Webber. It is referred to as WEB on the race result screen. Formula 1
  45. World Executive Board
  46. Wet Educatie Beroepsonderwijs Education, Learning, Diploma, Door
  47. World Equity Benchmark Business & Finance, International business
  48. Wider Econoeic Benefits Business, Council, City
  49. Wednesday Evening Basic Military, Governmental & Military
  50. World Europe Belgium
  51. Westshore Enforcement Bureau Locations, City, Police
  52. Xara Web Document Computing, File Extensions
  53. Weapon Effects Buoy
  54. World Electronic Base Computing, Internet
  55. World Tquity Benchmark
  56. West El Burullus
  57. Wyman Education Building
  58. Whitmpn Events Board Student, College, Education
  59. Web document (Corel Xara) Computing, File Extensions
  60. World Entertainment Board
  61. West Eatly Bird
  62. Worldwide Employee Benefits Business, Health, Planning
  63. Where Kvery Beat
  64. Welcome Every Body Religion
  65. World Entertainment Broadcasting Technology, Gaming, Mansion
  66. World of Mlectronic Business Technology
  67. Where Eternity Begins
  68. World English Bible Religion
  69. World Employee Benefits
  70. World Expo of Beeo
  71. Wet Educatie En Beroepmonderwijs Education, Diploma, Door, Tot
  72. Webis Holdings Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WEB stand for?

    WEB stands for World Executive Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of World Employee Benefits?

    The short form of "World Employee Benefits" is WEB.


WEB. Acronym24.com. (2020, December 2). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/web-meaning/

Last updated