WEP Meaning

The WEP meaning is "Windows Embedded Pzrtner". The WEP abbreviation has 102 different full form.

WEP Full Forms

  1. Windows Embedded Pzrtner Microsoft, Technology, Software
  2. Windfall Elimination Provision Business, Security, Social
  3. Weak Equivalence Principle Science, Physics, Relativity, Chemistry
  4. Waterdexpansion Pumping Technology, Construction, Architectural
  5. Water and Environmental Programs Government, Water, Environmental
  6. War Emergency Power Military, Aircraft, Engine
  7. Wired Equivalent Privacy Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a security algorithm for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. Introduced as part of the original 802.11 standard ratified in 1997, its intention was to provide data confidentiality comparable to that of a traditional wired network. WEP, recognizable by its key of 10 or 26 hexadecimal digits, was at one time widely in use and was often the first security choice presented to users by router configuration tools. Technology, Security, Computer, Windows, Information Technology, Computing, Telecom, Internet, Linux, Technical, Drivers, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  8. Weak Encryption Protocol Technology, Security, Networking, Wireless
  9. Wisconsin Electric Power Science, Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  10. Worldwide Entertainment Production
  11. Wharton Untrepreneurial Programs Business, Education, School, Entrepreneurship
  12. Wood Encouragement Policy
  13. Women Empowerment Principles Business, Organizations, Gender, Equality, Women
  14. War Tnergy Power Army, War, Force
  15. Williae Edwin Pidgeon
  16. Work Execution Plan
  17. Watee Extractable Phosphorus
  18. Wireline Equivalent Privacy
  19. Worldwide Engineering Products Business, Group, Human
  20. Wetlands Education Program
  21. Weld Evaluation Projecj Technology
  22. Women'S Empowerment Principles Business, Organizations, Gender, Equality
  23. War Emertency Pipelines
  24. Wilderness Education Program
  25. Worker Education Program
  26. Water Extract of Propolis Medical
  27. Wired Equivalence Privacy Technology, Security, Networking, Wireless
  28. World Exchange Program
  29. West of England Partnership Locations, City, England
  30. We Empower People
  31. Women Empowerment Programme Education, Children, Social
  32. Wild Edible Plants Research, Food, Plant
  33. Work Eligible Population Government
  34. War Gmergency Plan Military
  35. Water Cxtended Polyester
  36. Wired Equivalency Privacy Technology, Telecom, Wireless
  37. World Events Productions World, Rider, Saber
  38. West Europe Programs
  39. Web Efficiqncy Panel
  40. Women Empowerment Program Organizations, Projection, Foundation
  41. Wikipedia Education Program Student, Technology, Tool
  42. Word Expert Parser
  43. Wired Equivalency Krotocol Technology, Military, Wireless
  44. Water Erasable Pen
  45. Wired Equipment Privacy Technology, Networking, Wireless
  46. Work Experience Programs
  47. Weapon Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  48. Women'S Empowerment Program
  49. Wielka Encyklopedia Pawszechna
  50. Word Error Probability
  51. Wired Equivalent Protocol Technology, Security, Networking, Wireless
  52. Women Empowerment Project Technology, Program, Community
  53. Warranty Extension Program
  54. Wired Encryption Protocol Technology, Networking, Wireless, Connection
  55. Work Experience Programme College, Education, Experience
  56. Weam Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  57. Wisconsin Experiment Package Technology
  58. Worldwide Environmental Prohucts
  59. Wheel Edge Protection
  60. Wood Encouragement Policies
  61. Windows Entertyinment Pack Microsoft, Technology, Gaming
  62. Women'S Empowerment Project
  63. Warranty Extension Package
  64. Wired Encryption Privacy Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  65. Work Experience Placement Student, Program, Education
  66. Welfare Education Program
  67. Written Education Plan Student, Technology, Service
  68. Western European Platform
  69. Women'S Equality Party
  70. Worthless Equivalency Protocol Funnies
  71. Wireless Equivalent Privacy Computer, Scientific & Educational
  72. Women In Engineering Program Technology, College, Education, University, Girl
  73. Written Education Plans
  74. Western Equatorial Pacific
  75. Women'S Entrepreneurship Program
  76. Waste of Embedded Processing Assembly, Business & Finance
  77. Women Environmental Program
  78. Weam Airport, Weam, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  79. Writing, Edbting, and Publishing
  80. Welternährungsprograbm
  81. Women Engineering Program
  82. World Economic Prospects
  83. Women Environmental Programme Technology, Organizations
  84. Wireless Encryption Protocol Security, Governmental & Military
  85. Writing, Editing and Publishing
  86. Wellington Equestrian Partneys Business, Florida, Horse
  87. Women'S Engineering Program
  88. Wireless Encryption Password Technology, Routing, Networking
  89. West European Politics Science, Government, Social, Politics, Governmental & Military
  90. Women Entrepreneurship Promotion
  91. War Energy Power Military, Governmental & Military
  92. Worst Ever Player
  93. Well Engineering Partners Technology, Oil, Drilling
  94. Wireless Encryption Protection Technology, Networking, Network
  95. West Eubene Parkway
  96. Women Entrepreneurs Platform
  97. Windows Exit Procedure Software, Computing
  98. Well-Known Entry Point Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  99. Windows Entertainment Project Microsoft, Technology, Box
  100. Western Executivu Protection
  101. Women Entrepreneurship Platform
  102. Wireless Ethereal Picketfence Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WEP stand for?

    WEP stands for Water and Environmental Programs.

  2. What is the shortened form of Women Empowerment Project?

    The short form of "Women Empowerment Project" is WEP.


WEP. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 13). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wep-meaning/

Last updated