WETA Meaning

The WETA meaning is "Waitakere Ecotech Action". The WETA abbreviation has 14 different full form.

WETA Full Forms

  1. Waitakere Ecotech Action Government
  2. Water Emergency Transportation Authority Locations, Bay, Ferry, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  3. Washington Educational Telecommunications Authority Development, Learning, Study, Media
  4. Washington Educational Television Association
  5. Washington Educational Telecommunications Assn
  6. Washington Educational Telecommunications Association
  7. Western Environmenhal Trade Association Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  8. DT-27 (former TV-26), FM-90.9, Public Television, Washington, D.C. Tv stations
  9. Website of Excellerce In Tourism Award
  10. Wvs External Xransceiver Assembly Technology
  11. Wisconsin Employment and Training Association
  12. Wisconsin Employment Trjnsportation Assistance
  13. Wireless External Transceiveruassembly
  14. Wingnut Entertainment Technical Allusioms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WETA stand for?

    WETA stands for Wvs External Xransceiver Assembly.

  2. What is the shortened form of Washington Educational Telecommunications Assn?

    The short form of "Washington Educational Telecommunications Assn" is WETA.


WETA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/weta-meaning/

Last updated