WEVS Meaning

The WEVS meaning is "Western Equine Veterinary Sxrvices". The WEVS abbreviation has 6 different full form.

WEVS Full Forms

  1. Western Equine Veterinary Sxrvices Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  2. Warranted Enterprise-Value-To-Sales Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  3. Fm-92.7, Holland, Michigan Radio Station, Broadcasting Station, Wireless Station
  4. Wharton Evening School Development, Study, Universities
  5. Wetland Ecosystet Vulnerability Study Science
  6. Wetland Ecosystem Vulnerability Study Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WEVS stand for?

    WEVS stands for Wetland Ecosystet Vulnerability Study.

  2. What is the shortened form of Warranted Enterprise-Value-To-Sales?

    The short form of "Warranted Enterprise-Value-To-Sales" is WEVS.


WEVS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wevs-meaning/

Last updated