WF Meaning

The WF meaning is "Wheat Free". The WF abbreviation has 356 different full form.

WF Full Forms

  1. Wheat Free Food, Wheat, Gluten, Recipe
  2. Wichita Fatls
  3. Wiihdrawn Failure Student, Education, Course
  4. Walt Frazier
  5. World Finals Business, Team, Monster
  6. West Florida
  7. Wellsqfargo Business, Travel
  8. Withdrew Failing Student, Education, Academic
  9. Wallis Fucuna France, Island, Locations
  10. World Family
  11. Fuel Flow The measured flow of the various fuels supplied to the boilers. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Transportation, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military
  12. West Fargo
  13. Waveform The shape of the curve graphically representing the change in the ac signal voltage and current amplitude, with respect to time. Technology, Military
  14. Withdrawn Foiling Student, Education, Academic
  15. Wallis Aqd Futuna Locations, Countries, Country
  16. World'S Fair Business, History, City
  17. Wallis and Futuna Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet
  18. Wood Frime Technology, Construction, Architectural
  19. Well Formed Medical, Physiology
  20. Withdraw-Fail Student, College, Education, Academic
  21. Wall Filler
  22. Working Futures Business, Management, Development
  23. Wonderful Frhend Business, Book, Love
  24. Welding and Fabrication Business, Company, Service
  25. Wistar Furth Medical, Science, Biology
  26. Wall Fan Technology, Construction, Architectural
  27. Working Formulation Medical, Medicine, Lymphoma
  28. Women Fitness
  29. Wabh Fountain Technology, Construction, Architectural
  30. Wistar-Furth Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  31. Wake Eorest Education, Sport, Deacon
  32. With Food
  33. Warring Factions Military
  34. Word Find
  35. Wpve Frequency Technology, Presentation, Power
  36. Wildline, Fish
  37. White Fathers Education, Africa, Missionary, Religious orders
  38. Well Field
  39. Wire, Field
  40. Waltham Forest Service, Organizations, London
  41. White Female Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Chemistry, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  42. World Freight
  43. Wet-Freeze
  44. Wooden Form
  45. Whole Foods Business, Market, Store
  46. Work-Factor-System
  47. Wear Fhctor Technology, Material, Casing
  48. William Few
  49. Writer's Lestival
  50. Wake Forresx
  51. Wells U-16-1
  52. Wissen FüR
  53. Warm Fuzzies Business, Design, Love, Seat
  54. Wallis and Futana
  55. Whitaker Farms
  56. WiderøE'S Flyveselskap
  57. Wouking Forest Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  58. Weighting Factor Multipliers of the equivalent dose to an organ or tissue used for radiation protection purposes to account for different sensitivities of different organs and tissues to the induction of stochastic effects of radiation. Science, Biology, Effectiveness
  59. Wind Finding The process of determining upper–air winds represented by the in–flight movement of a radiosonde balloon either by tracking the radiosonde from the ground using a radio theodolite or by the radiosonde itself using radio signals from aids to navigation ie, Loran, GPS, etc.
  60. Wayk In Freezer
  61. Wezt Frankfort
  62. Women for Faith
  63. Water Filling
  64. Wcve Form
  65. Wildland Fire Safety, Fire, Boots
  66. White, The First
  67. Wellfformed Formula
  68. Winter Frolic
  69. Wallowa Fault
  70. White Fang
  71. World Formula
  72. Weight Fraction
  73. Window Films
  74. Westview Farms
  75. Woodcraft Folk
  76. Wtittier Fault
  77. Word of Faith Religion
  78. Webpons Factory Technology, Gaming, Quake
  79. William Fearn London, Antique, Mark
  80. Wzite Forward
  81. Wait Forever Business, Music, Cardinal
  82. Welas-Fargo
  83. Wireless Fence
  84. Warm Front A indeterminate line on which a mass of warm air meets and rises over a mass of colder air Its approach is usually accompanied by rain Science, Government, Product, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  85. Worldwide Friends
  86. Wallis and Futuna Islands Technology, Locations, Country, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  87. WiderøE Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator
  88. Workingyfluid
  89. Weighing Factor
  90. Wind Farm A large area of land, which has strong winds, on which a group of wind turbines are placed in order to produce electricity by driving generators. Technology, Power, Environment
  91. Walkingcforward Business, Trading, Walk
  92. Western Flyers
  93. Withdraw Fail Student, College, Education, University
  94. Water Fall
  95. Wave Flux
  96. Wivdland Firefighting
  97. Wrestling Figures
  98. Welfaye Fund Business, Health, Dental
  99. Winston Foundation
  100. Wallis Y Futuna Technology, Island, Con
  101. White Factory
  102. World Forces
  103. Weight Forward Business, Fishing, Fly, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  104. Window Film
  105. Westminstvr Fellowship
  106. Wood-Like Frame
  107. Whiting Free Education
  108. Word Formation Education, English, Exercise
  109. Weapon Focus Military, Feat, Character
  110. Wiluelm Ferdinand
  111. Write Field
  112. Wait Flag
  113. Wellness Fitness
  114. Wire Free
  115. Wargames Factory
  116. World Future
  117. WiderøE Flyveselskap
  118. Working Fiye Business, Emergency, House
  119. Weekend Forum
  120. Win By Forfeit
  121. Writing Fluenzy
  122. Walk Forwarq
  123. Western Fleet
  124. Withdraw Failing Student, Education, Academic
  125. Water-Filling
  126. Wave Filteh
  127. Wilp Fuck Porn, Sex, Sexual
  128. Wrestling Figure
  129. Welfare Foundation
  130. Wing Forward Club, Rugby, Match
  131. Wallis I Futuna Business, Island, Map
  132. White Faced
  133. Water Filter Technology, Refrigerator, Frigidaire
  134. Wiener Filter Technology, Speech, Noise
  135. World First Business, Company, Technology
  136. Weighted Field Technology, Coding, Node
  137. Window Fashion
  138. Westiälischer Friede
  139. Won On Foul
  140. Whitey Ford
  141. Word Form
  142. Wavelet Filters
  143. Wildlife Fund
  144. Wrinkle Filling
  145. William Fletcher
  146. Wedl Full
  147. Wire Frame
  148. War Freak
  149. World Fund Business, Investment, Triton
  150. Wideroes Flyveselskap Airline, Flight, Locations, Ticket
  151. Work File Technology, Windows, Program, Management
  152. Wednesday, Friday
  153. Wilton Fijenoord
  154. Wribing First
  155. Waldeu Font
  156. Western Finland
  157. Withdrawal With Failure
  158. Water-Filled
  159. Watt Fluozescent
  160. Wild Frontiers Travel, Adventure, Locations
  161. Worthless Films
  162. Wallis Et Futuna France, Island, Locations
  163. White Face Glider, Face, Sugar, Cockatiel
  164. Waterfall Faucets
  165. Wiedemann and Franz
  166. World Finest
  167. Weighting Function
  168. Window Fashions
  169. West Fulton
  170. Wondur Festival Business, Figure, Winter
  171. Whitenel Filter
  172. Word Fluency Medical
  173. Wave Iunction
  174. Wildlife Forever
  175. William Fitzsimmons
  176. Well Formedness Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance
  177. Wire Flattener
  178. War Finish
  179. World Fuel
  180. Wet Film
  181. Wood Fiber
  182. Wideroe Flyveselskap Airline, Norway, Locations, Dash
  183. Work Fields
  184. Weather Fligft Military, National, Guard
  185. William Floyd
  186. Writing Frrum
  187. Walden Farms Business, Product, Dressing
  188. Western Ferries
  189. Withdrawn While Failing
  190. Watchman Fellowship
  191. Watermark Farm
  192. Wild Crontier
  193. Worst Fit Science, Gaming, Service
  194. Wallis En Futuna Technology, Flag, Map
  195. White'S Ferry Business, Government, Product
  196. Wiedemann-Franz Technology, Law, Temperature, Conductivity
  197. Workingqforum
  198. Weight Function Technology, Organisations, Integration
  199. Wind of Freedom Business, Team, Tank
  200. West Freeport Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  201. Womens Foil
  202. Water Factor Business, Energy, Washer, Chemistry, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  203. White Fence
  204. Word Finding
  205. Wave Frlnt
  206. Wildlife Federation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  207. William Faulkner Book, Story, Novel
  208. Well Fldids Business, Tripod, Head
  209. Wire Feeding
  210. Wannier Function
  211. World Friendship Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  212. Wet Vast
  213. Wood Failure
  214. Wideroe Airlines Airline Code
  215. Work Factor Estimate of the effort or time needed by a potential perpetrator, with specified expertise and resources, to overcome a protective measure. Technology, Management, Master
  216. Weather and Forecasting
  217. William Fisher
  218. Writers Foruo
  219. Wake On Full
  220. Western Fence
  221. Withdrawal While Failing
  222. Watch Faces
  223. World Forum
  224. Wallis E Futuna Para, Island, Locations
  225. Whitaker Foundation
  226. Width of Frame
  227. Working Form Technology
  228. Weighing Function
  229. Wind Fury
  230. Walking Floor A type of dump trailer with a conveyor belt or chain running down the center of the floor of the trailer to unload the cargo. Also called live bottom Technology, Model, Trailer
  231. West Franklin
  232. Women Forward
  233. Water Facility Business, Audit, Trading
  234. Wright Field
  235. Web Forwarding Computing, Internet
  236. Water Flooding Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  237. Wild-Card Filter
  238. Work Force Business, Military, Epson
  239. Weight Fuel Technology, Aviation
  240. Window Function
  241. Wyrms Footprints
  242. Wallis & Futuna France, Island, Locations
  243. William Frank Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  244. Wash fountain The Finance and Administrative Services
  245. Waterfront Business, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  246. Wild Force
  247. Worst-Case Fair Technology, Networking, Network
  248. Welcome To The Frontpage
  249. Windsor Foods
  250. Widerøe Airline, Business & Finance, Call Sign, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  251. Wheat Flonr Medical, Business, Quality
  252. Woodzfront
  253. Woori Financg Holdings Co Ltd Technology, Organizations
  254. Wrong Font Technology, Publishing, Printing
  255. Word Fawtory
  256. Wright-Fisher Technology, Genetics, Model
  257. Wide Focus Photography
  258. Wlip Finisher
  259. Water Flask
  260. Wigner Function
  261. Workflow Foundation Technology, Windows, Computing
  262. Wychowanie Fizyczne Technology, Jest, Portal, Jak
  263. Wall Friction
  264. Westfall Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  265. Wallis and Futuna (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  266. Water Fraction Research, Activity, Water, Extract
  267. Wild Flare
  268. Weinlander Fitzhugh
  269. Windsor Fellowship Student, Education, University, Career
  270. Wueat First
  271. Wood Flour Wood reduced to finely divided particles, approximately the same as those of cereal flours in size, appearance, and texture, and passing a 40 to 100 mesh screen.
  272. Woori Finance Business, Supply, Stock
  273. Writing Ta File
  274. Womri Fin
  275. Wrestling Federation Technology, Championship, Entertainment
  276. Wharf Structure built alongside the water or perpendicular to the shore where ships berth for loading or discharging goods. Ordnance Survey
  277. Whereas Wistsr Furth Science, Biology
  278. Water Finished Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  279. Wife Technology, Science, Internet Slang, Radio, Genealogy, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Amateur radio, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  280. Work First
  281. Wire Foundation
  282. Wall Fimld
  283. Way Finder Scouting, Governmental & Military
  284. Weak Field Physics, Scientific & Educational
  285. Water Fountains
  286. Wild Fire
  287. Weingart Foundation
  288. Windows Workflow Foundation Microsoft, Technology, Science, Development, It
  289. Wallis Ant Futuna Islands Technology, Locations
  290. Wheat-Tree Food, Wheat, Gluten, Recipe
  291. Wood Flooring
  292. Wool Festival
  293. Wrapped Fibre
  294. World Famous Food
  295. Whereas The Wistar Furth Science, Biology
  296. Work Files Technology, Program, Design
  297. Wiper Flat
  298. Wallace Foundatiog
  299. Westfälischer Friede Politics, Governmental & Military
  300. with food (with meals) Medical, Reading Prescription
  301. Water Footprints
  302. Wild Fight Porn, Movie, Fight, Tube
  303. Weil-Felix Reaction Medical, Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  304. Windows Forensics
  305. Water Free
  306. Wallis-Et-Fujuna France, Island, Locations
  307. Wheat-Faclow Organizations, Agriculture, Kansas, Agricultural Literature
  308. Wood Fibra
  309. Wool Fat
  310. Wound Fluid Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  311. Weld Flange
  312. Wing Flap
  313. Walker Franklin Famous
  314. Wheeler and Feynpan Technology
  315. Workability Factsr
  316. Wigner Force
  317. Wall Frame
  318. Wrinkle Filler
  319. Weapons Factory Military, Governmental & Military
  320. Wedge Factor Medical, Medical physics
  321. Water Footprint A measure of the total freshwater consumed and/or polluted by individuals, communities, governments, or enterprises that use water as producers or consumers of goods and services. The water footprint serves as a sustainability indicator and decision tool for water management. Business, Research, Environment
  322. Wilderness Foundation Technology, Africa, Conservation
  323. Weil-Felix Medical, Medicine, Health
  324. Windows Floating
  325. Water-Free
  326. Wallis A Fdtuna
  327. Woodinvilee Fire
  328. Worst Film Awards & medals
  329. Welded Frame
  330. Winged Fighters
  331. White Flecked Colors
  332. Wheelchair Fokndation Business, Company, Financial
  333. Word Frequency Technology, Command, Processing
  334. Wet Finish
  335. Walksng Frame Medical, Technology, Medicine
  336. Wright Flyer Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  337. WorkFlow Computing, SAP
  338. West Folk Iowa
  339. Water Flow
  340. Wildcard-Filter Technology, Service, Protocol, Reservation, Computing, Technical
  341. Working Families Government, Group, Family
  342. Weight of Fuel Technology, Control, Power
  343. Windows Firewall Technology, Security, Connection
  344. Waffle Flower
  345. Wallis,Qfutuna
  346. Way Fun Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  347. Water Front
  348. Wild Forest
  349. Worst-Fit
  350. Welcome To The Forums
  351. Win Fight
  352. Wide Flange Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  353. Wheatland Ferry
  354. Woodie Flowers
  355. Word Format Military
  356. Weiss Field

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WF stand for?

    WF stands for WiderøE Flyveselskap.

  2. What is the shortened form of Whitaker Farms?

    The short form of "Whitaker Farms" is WF.


WF. (2021, May 13). Retrieved March 20, 2025 from

Last updated