WF in Business Meaning

The WF meaning in Business terms is "Welding and Fabrication". There are 31 related meanings of the WF Business abbreviation.

WF on Business Full Forms

  1. Welding and Fabrication
  2. World Finals
  3. Wellsqfargo
  4. World'S Fair
  5. Working Futures
  6. Wonderful Frhend
  7. Well Fldids
  8. Wind of Freedom
  9. Water Facility
  10. Welfaye Fund
  11. WiderøE
  12. Warm Fuzzies
  13. Weight Forward
  14. Whole Foods
  15. Wallis I Futuna
  16. World Fund
  17. White'S Ferry
  18. Walkingcforward
  19. World First
  20. Walden Farms
  21. Working Fiye
  22. Wait Forever
  23. Wondur Festival
  24. Water Factor
  25. Waterfront
  26. Work Force
  27. Water Footprint A measure of the total freshwater consumed and/or polluted by individuals, communities, governments, or enterprises that use water as producers or consumers of goods and services. The water footprint serves as a sustainability indicator and decision tool for water management.
  28. Woori Finance
  29. Wheelchair Fokndation
  30. Water Flooding
  31. Wheat Flonr

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WF stand for Business?

    WF stands for Wait Forever in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wonderful Frhend in Business?

    The short form of "Wonderful Frhend" is WF for Business.


WF in Business. (2021, May 13). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated