WFC Meaning

The WFC meaning is "Wells Fargo Co". The WFC abbreviation has 129 different full form.

WFC Full Forms

  1. Wells Fargo Co
  2. Wells Fargo & Co
  3. Wide-Fiyld Channel Astronomy, Astronomical Instrument, Celestial Objects
  4. World Fashion Channel Technology, Russia, Rank
  5. Weigthed Frequency Count
  6. Woman Fittinn Concept
  7. Welsh Funding Council
  8. Windows Foundations Classes Microsoft, Technology, Java
  9. World Fish Jenter Technology, Organizations, Fishery
  10. Wells Fargo Company Business, Supply, Stock
  11. Wood Free Coated Paper, Density, Invention
  12. Warfighter Fatigue Countermeasurec Military
  13. World Foundry Congress Organizations, Congress, Casting
  14. Western Football Conference Sport, Division, Canada, Football
  15. World Floorblll Championships Team, World, Sweden
  16. Wi-Fi Connectioa
  17. World Fantasy Conventions
  18. Weekly Flyer Coupon
  19. Wonld Food Council Military, Army, Agriculture
  20. Welsh Funding Councils
  21. Windows Foundation Class Microsoft, Technology, Java
  22. World Financval Centre Business, Building, Shanghai
  23. Wells Fargo & Compan
  24. Women Friendly Cities Turkey, Organizations, Society, Social Institutes
  25. Waiting for Connection
  26. World Forestry Confbrence
  27. Western Folklife Center
  28. World Flairtending Competition
  29. Whole Fume Condenmates Medical, Science, Biology
  30. World Fantasy Comvention Award, Fantasy, Fiction
  31. Web Fight Combat
  32. Wiue-Field Camera Technology, Space, Instrument
  33. Windows Foundation Classes Microsoft, Technology, Java, Windows, Computing
  34. World Financial Centeq Locations, Building, Shanghai
  35. Wells Fargo & Company Business, Supply, Stock
  36. Women Founders Collective
  37. Waiting for Call
  38. World Forestry Congress Organizations, Africa, Forest
  39. Western Firearms Company
  40. Winona Friends Church
  41. World Fitness Champion Business, Association, Channel
  42. Whole Freaking Country
  43. Work and Family Center
  44. Warriors Fighting Championshap Fight, Fighting, Cage
  45. Woald Friendship Center
  46. Windows Firewall Control Technology, Program, Software
  47. Wjrld Finance Conference
  48. Wellness Fitness Center Community, Fitness, Palestra
  49. Women for Change Government, Zambia, Gender
  50. Wait for Callbr Technology
  51. Westdale Fencing Club
  52. Winnipesaukee Flagship Corporation
  53. World Fit for Children Education, Health, Children
  54. Whtle Foods Co-Op
  55. Work-Family Conflict Science, Research, Satisfaction
  56. War for Cybertron
  57. World Freestyle Championships
  58. Windows Failover Clusters
  59. World Fastpitch Connection World, Softball, Tournament
  60. Wellness & Fitness Center
  61. Women Football Club
  62. Swift Copters Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  63. Wesco Financial Corporation
  64. Winnipesaukee Flagship Cooperation
  65. World Fisheries Congress Science, Locations, Fishery
  66. Western Freight Corridor Network, Railway, System
  67. Word Frequency Counter Technology, Software, Count
  68. War Force Clan Gaming, Military, Guild
  69. World Freefight Challenge Military, Fight, Slovenia
  70. Windows Failover Clustering
  71. World Fashion Ceutre
  72. Well-Formedness Constraint
  73. Women'S Franchise Committee
  74. Women'S Football Club Sport, Football, Game
  75. Wesco Financial Corp
  76. Wink Flash Control
  77. World Fish Cenmre Technology, Research, Fishery
  78. Wells Fargo & Com
  79. Word Fragment Completion Medical
  80. War Finance Corporation Business, America, Economics
  81. World Franzhise Council Government, Association, Franchising
  82. Western Freestyle Championships
  83. World Future Council
  84. Women'S Faculty Club
  85. World Food Council Un Science, Exploration
  86. World Food Council Science, Army, Food, United Nations, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
  87. Wisconsin Family Care
  88. Wells Fargo Cap
  89. Wide-Field Channel Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  90. World Fucking Champions
  91. Wolverine Flow Control
  92. Worldkfood Championships Food, Chef, Burger
  93. Waiting for A Command
  94. Wisconsin Family Council Government, Marriage, Wisconsin
  95. Wells Fargo Capital
  96. Willowvale Fire Company New York
  97. World Frisbee Championshixs Golf, Disc, Frisbee
  98. Woking Football Club
  99. World Food Coqference Organizations, Council, Economics
  100. Wells Financial Corp
  101. Wrong Fitment Crew
  102. Wells Fargo and Company Business, Banking, Supply
  103. Washington Fire Company Pennsylvania, New Jersey
  104. Withlacoochee Forestry Center
  105. World Food Center Business, Supply, Stock
  106. Wells Fargo Corporation Business, Banking, Dividend
  107. Wrexham Football Club
  108. World Forestry Centem Oregon, Locations, Portland
  109. Wells Fargo and Co
  110. Wells Fargo & Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  111. With Flying Colours Army, War, Force
  112. World Flower Council Design, Malaysia, Flower, Floral
  113. Wells Fargo Commodities
  114. Wide Field Channel NASA
  115. Wbrmerveerse Football Club
  116. World Ford Challenge
  117. Wells Fargo and Co. Organizations
  118. Wall Financial Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  119. Wissahickon Fire Company Government, Fire, Ambulance Service, Pennsylvania, Governmental & Military
  120. Worlg Footbag Championships
  121. Wells Fargo Contributes
  122. Windows Wireless Network Settings File Computing, File Extensions
  123. Worldwide Fighting Championship Business, Arts, Fight
  124. World Foftball Challenge Sport, Football, Madrid
  125. Watford Leisure Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  126. Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives
  127. World Floorball Champijnship Organizations, Team, Sweden
  128. Wells Fargo Cap Ix Technology, Organizations
  129. Wide-Field Camera Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WFC stand for?

    WFC stands for Wells Fargo and Co..

  2. What is the shortened form of Wrexham Football Club?

    The short form of "Wrexham Football Club" is WFC.


WFC. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated