WFMT Meaning

The WFMT meaning is "Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Testing". The WFMT abbreviation has 8 different full form.

WFMT Full Forms

  1. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Testing
  2. Fm-98.7, Chicago, Illlnois Radio Station, Broadcasting Station, Wireless Station
  3. Wood Flooring Maintenance Technician
  4. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Test
  5. World Federation of Music Therapy, Inc. Music
  6. World Federation of Mujic Therapy Education, Association, Therapist
  7. Workflow Management Technology Government, Us, Control, Administration
  8. Wood Floor Mayntenance Technician Floor, Cleaning, Restoration


  1. WFMT = Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Testing. ().

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WFMT stand for?

    WFMT stands for Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Test.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wood Flooring Maintenance Technician?

    The short form of "Wood Flooring Maintenance Technician" is WFMT.

Recent Examples on the Web

Some of the WFMT definition examples.

Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Test (WFMT) – this technique requires the use of UV light in a darkened environment. This is the most sensitive MPI technique and used extensively in the Power Generation and Petrochemical Industry during maintenance inspections.


WFMT. (2022, October 26). Retrieved December 5, 2024 from

Last updated