WFW Meaning

The WFW meaning is "Watson, Farley & Williams". The WFW abbreviation has 41 different full form.

WFW Full Forms

  1. Watson, Farley & Williams
  2. Word Filled Wednesday
  3. Watson Farley & Williams Business, Law, London, Firm
  4. World Free Web Computing, Internet
  5. Windows for Workgoups Technology
  6. Waldburg Forstmaschinen Wolfegg Technology, Harvester, Forwarder
  7. Word-Filled Wednesday
  8. Water for The World Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  9. World Forest Watch Technology
  10. Waaah Fucking Waaah
  11. Women for Women Unions, Governmental & Military
  12. World Forest Week Forest, Committee, Forestry
  13. Wild Fire Warning
  14. Women'S Forum West
  15. World Forestry Week
  16. Windows for Workgroup Technology, Science, Networking
  17. Winter Family Weekend
  18. Word for Word Media, Radio, Television, Computing, Computing Slang
  19. Windows for Workgroups Technology, Computing, Computer, Microsoft, Windows, Military, Governmental & Military, General
  20. Wings for Wheels
  21. Washington Film Works
  22. Word for Windows Microsoft, Technology, Computing
  23. Windows FüR Workgroups
  24. Walter Funk Werk
  25. Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air, Rare Plants and Soil Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  26. World Fire Web
  27. Watershed, Fish, and Wildlife Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  28. Windoofs for Wuerggroups Technology
  29. Wong Fu Wave Music, Episode, Weekend
  30. Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air & Rare Plants Program Program, Government, Organizations, Us
  31. Wilmoth Field Warne
  32. WäHlergemeinschaft FüR Wuppertal
  33. Watershed, Fish, Wildlife Science, Service, Fish
  34. Wet for Went
  35. Writing for Webheads Media, Radio, Television
  36. Water for Wildlife
  37. West Florida Wholesale
  38. Wrestling Figure World Media, Radio, Television
  39. West Florida Wheelmen
  40. World of Fine Wine
  41. Work for the World Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WFW stand for?

    WFW stands for Winter Family Weekend.

  2. What is the shortened form of Windows FüR Workgroups?

    The short form of "Windows FüR Workgroups" is WFW.


WFW. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated