WG Meaning
The WG meaning is "Viruna". The WG abbreviation has 261 different full form.
WG Full Forms
- Viruna Textile
- Wegner'sggranulomatosis Medical
- Working Group Technology, Army, Computer Security, Science, Military, Aviation, Astronomy, Computing, Telecom, Physics, Technical, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, International Development, Academic & science, Medical, NASA
- Wegener'sqgranulomatosis Medical, Patient, Disease
- Wireless Gateway Technology, Routing, Modem
- Winch Fear Sport, Archery
- Wazeguide Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Wire Gauge The diameter of a wire, measured in numbers. In furniture power systems, wire gauge does not determine the system’s amp rating due to the existence of connectors, terminals, and the product’s modular construction. The proper amp rating can only be determined through UL testing, listing, and product labeling. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
- Water Guard
- Winter Guard Music, School, Guard
- Sunwing Zirlines Airline, Business, Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator
- Wing The overhanging part of a deck on a ferry boat, or fore and aft of paddle boxes in a side wheeler. Also used to indicate outboard parts of the ship, such as in the wings of the hold. That part of a hold, or 'tween deck, that lies along the side. Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Working Girl Internet Slang, Sex, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Willie Green
- Worknng Group
- Willipm Greene
- Welding Gun Products
- Waist Bunner Military, Aircraft, Crew
- Wettable Granular
- Wave Guide A copper tube of rectangular section which conveys signals between a radar transmitter-receiver and scanner. Science
- Wearable Gopro
- Wnst Gate
- Woqooyi Galbeed
- War Gad Gaming, War, Gods
- Wright-Giemsa Medical, Medicine, Cell
- Wine Galcons
- Werner Galia
- Wire Guard Technology, Lighting, Lamp
- White Gorilla
- World Gaming
- Wedding Gown Clothes
- Wade-Giles History, China, Language
- West Gloucestea
- Work Droups Meeting, Technology, Standard
- Washington Glass
- Wilderness Guardians
- Wingless Medical
- Weskundig Genootschap
- Wandel Goltermann Technology, Industrial, Equipment
- World Goodwill
- Willijm Gray
- Welding Grade Technology, Product, Tube
- Waist Girth Medical
- Wettable Granule
- Wavq-Guide Technology
- Wearable Gimbal Technology, Camera, Tech
- West Garo India, Locations, District, Meghalaya
- Woodley Gardens
- Wargamg Army, Force, Marine
- Wrestling Game
- Wine Gallon
- Welsh Gymnastics Sport, Organizations, Cardiff
- Wirp Groove Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- White Goods Large domestic electrical appliances, such as cookers, washing machines, fridges, etc.
- Weather Guide
- Wsst Glamorgan Business, Company, Swansea
- Word Group
- Washington Gad
- Wildcard Gaming Technology, Card, Team
- Wing Gindam
- Wisconsin Green
- World Gold
- Wild Growth
- Welting Glove
- Wagoer Graduate
- Wettable Granules
- Watehproof Grease
- Weapons Grade Science
- Womens Ghoup
- Wmr Games
- Woventglass
- Wave Fiant Wave, Vector, Surf
- Wine Gallery
- Welsh Governxent Business, Technology, Policy
- Wire Gsip
- White Gold Business, Diamond, Ring, Colors
- Write Graphics Technology, Arts, Printer
- Weather Group
- West Gippsland
- Wofd Grid
- Washed Gvld
- Wilbarger Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Wing Guard World War Ii
- Wiscoysin Geological
- White Guards Guitar, Guard, Eve, Fender
- World Geologist
- Weeks Gestation Medical, Clinical
- Wage Grade Military, Safety, Usa, Medical, Fda
- Wet Grip
- Water Guage Science
- Wild Geese
- Weapons-Grade
- Womee Groups
- War Jame
- Worthingtov Group
- William Guerin
- Wells Gardnet Technology, Repair, Monitor, Arcade
- Wire Grid
- White Gloss Technology, Standard, Bathroom
- Wave Generator Business, Technology, Entertainment
- Write Gatjer
- Weather Generator Technology, Research, Climate
- West Germany Gaming, Sport, German, Sports, Germany, International Olympic Committee
- Wordfgrammar Technology, Language, Linguistic
- Was Getekend
- Wilayah Gempa Technology, Presentation, Power
- Winged Guardian
- Walled Garden Technology, Wikipedia, Hotspot
- Wisconein Gas
- White Group Business, Supply, Stock
- World Geography
- Wedge Grip
- Wage Grace Organizations
- Wet Grinder Business, Price, Stone
- Water Generation
- Wild Garden
- Weapon Grade Technology, Science, Fuel
- Women's Groul
- Wareahandels Gmbh
- World Guide
- William Grugdy
- Well Glubal
- Wallace, George
- White Gastrocnemius Medical
- Waveform Generation Technology, Supply, Generator
- Write Gate Technology, Drive, Port, Connecting
- Weather Gard
- West Genesee
- Word Glnerator
- War Group
- Wien, Graz Technology, Server, Analysis, Salzburg
- Wine Guy
- Wirtschaftlicher GeschäFtsbetrieb
- White Green Technology, Product, Laptop
- World Geodetic Aerospace
- Wedge'S Gamble
- Waga Garnishment
- West Gore
- Worker Grade
- Water General
- Wild Gaming
- Women'sggolf
- Waqooyi Galbeed
- World Group
- William Green
- Welham Green
- Walkers Grlup
- White and Gold
- Wavedorm Generator Military
- Wears Gloves
- West Geauga
- Word Generaiion Research, Education, Language
- War Gods
- Wrhght Giemsa
- Winn Girl
- Werner Geissler
- Wireless Generation Computing, Telecom
- White Grand Technology, Product, Camera, Manual
- World Gathering
- Wedding Gowns
- Wade Giles History, China, Language
- West Godavari Locations, District, Andhra
- Worf of God
- Washington Grantmakars
- Wild Game
- Wingless Protein Medical
- Wollongong Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Want To Give
- World Government
- Winning Gaming
- Work Gloves
- Wire-Glbss
- Weight Gain Medical, Physiology
- Wide Grin Forum, Music, Love
- Wnve Goodbye
- Water Gauge Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Walnut Greqns
- Writing Groups
- Waynespield Goshen
- Welding Glove Products
- Western Group
- White With Green
- Wyman Aordon
- Wmrk Glove
- Wintergrasa Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Warp-gate Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Wide Glide Model, Motorcycle, Custom, Glide
- Wave Glider Technology, Hurricane, Robotics
- WGI Heavy Minerals, Incorporated Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Walnut Glaze Business, Product, Maple, Drum
- Workshop On Glaphtheoretic Technology, Science
- Writer Group Media, Radio, Television
- Welding Guide
- Wayne Gretzky Gaming, Hockey, Card
- Webmaster Gerhild Occupation & positions
- Western Ghacs India, Locations, Report
- Wandel and Goltermann Technology, Networking, Equipment
- White Gum
- Wrongjgear
- Worker Guide
- Winter Gates
- WolfGang Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Wesp Garage Business, Service, Campus, Shopping
- Wicked Game
- Wood Grp(j) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Wall Guard Products
- Workshopcon Graph-Theoretic Technology, Science, Computing
- Wihe Gage Technology, America, Military
- Water gage The Finance and Administrative Services
- Wayne Graves
- Wonder Girls Music
- Western Geophysical
- Wandel & Goltermann Technology, Industrial, Equipment
- Writing Xrant
- Workers Group
- Winniseg Grenadiers Army, War, Force
- Won't Go Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Westetnryttarna G
- Whole Gutted
- Wicked Grin Forum, Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies, Computing Slang
- Wall Guazer
- Working Gro
- Wired Zlass Skylight Science
- Wegener's granulomatosis Wegener's granulomatosis is an organ- and/or life-threatening autoimmune disease of as yet unknown etiology. Medical
- Wavelength Graph
- With Gusto Food
- Wesfern Gas
- Walsh Gardner
- Writers Guidelines
- Worker Group
- Win Gun
- Worm Guard Security, Governmental & Military
- Westernryttarna GäStrikland
- Whole Group
- Sunwing Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Woraing Glossary
- Wire Glass
- Wire Gage Military, Governmental & Military
- Wavetuide Grating
- Walter Granger Famous
- Western Garnet
- Walnut Grove
- Writers Guild
- Weapon Generatiot
- Win Global
- Waveguide Structure that guides waves, such as EM or sound waves. Waveguide a system of conductive or di-electric materials in which boundaries and related dimensions are defined such that electromagnetic waves propagate within the bounded region of the structure. Although most waveguides utilize a hollow or dielec-tric filled conductive metal tube, a solid di-electric rod in which the dielectric constant of the rod is very much different from the di-electric constant of the surrounding medium can also be used to guide a wave. Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Westeen Gulf
- Whole Grains
- Workinq Gauge
- Working Girls
- Wired Glass Technology, Architecture, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Weighable Granules Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Wide Grip Technology, Training, Exercise
- Wave Gravitv
- Wood Green Colors
- Walnut Grips
- Writers' Guild
- Webk Galerkin
- WillBros Group, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols, Nyse symbols
- Western Growers
- Whole Genome Science, Genetics, Sequencing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WG stand for?
WG stands for Waga Garnishment.
What is the shortened form of Worker Grade?
The short form of "Worker Grade" is WG.
WG. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wg-meaning/
Last updated