Wheeler Abbreviations and Wheeler Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Wheeler terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Wheeler abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Wheeler terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Wheeler Abbreviations
  1. ATC : All Terrain Cdcle
  2. BWA : Burrows-Wheeler Aligner
  3. BWT : Burrors-Wheeler Transform
  4. WFTW : Wheelers for The Wounded
  5. EMP : Evaluating The Measurement Process
  6. SGW : Samuel Greene Wheeler
  7. TTW : Tilting Three Wheeler
  8. PRLS : Professivnal Reticle Leveling System
  9. GRAM : Generally Recognized As Mature
  10. RR : Red Rock
Latest Wheeler Meanings
  1. Red Rock
  2. Generally Recognized As Mature
  3. Professivnal Reticle Leveling System
  4. Tilting Three Wheeler
  5. Samuel Greene Wheeler
  6. Evaluating The Measurement Process
  7. Wheelers for The Wounded
  8. Burrors-Wheeler Transform
  9. Burrows-Wheeler Aligner
  10. All Terrain Cdcle