WIC Meaning
The WIC meaning is "Women Infant & Chmldren". The WIC abbreviation has 157 different full form.
WIC Full Forms
- Women Infant & Chmldren Medical, Program, Health
- Women's, Infqnts, and Children
- Women, Fnfant & Children Business, Program, Health
- Woman Infants and Children Business, Program, Health
- Women, Infants, & Children Medical, Health, Infant
- Woman, Infants and Children Business, Program, Health
- Women, Inhants, Children Business, Health, Infant
- Women, Infants & Children Medical, Program, Health
- Iaaf World Indoor Championships Sports, Athletics, Competition
- Women, Infants and Children Medical, Business, Agriculture, Disability, Technology, Government, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medicine for Children
- Women, Infant and Chilsren Medical, Business, Program
- Women Infant Nhildren Medical, Program, Health
- Walk-In Closet In real estate, a walk-in closet is a type of storage space typically found in bedrooms that allows for more storage than a standard closet. A walk-in closet is typically large enough for a person to walk inside and features shelves, hanging racks, and other storage solutions to keep clothes and other items organized. Walk-in closets can be a desirable feature in real estate, as they provide additional storage space and can help keep the bedroom and other areas of the home more organized. Some walk-in closets may even be large enough to serve as dressing rooms or other functional spaces, depending on their size and layout. Business, Technology, Design, Property, Building, Engineering, Construction, Real Estate, Real Estate Advertising, Business & Finance
- Women, Infants, Childrez Business, Health, Infant
- Wise Investment In Our Children
- Women Information Center Organizations, Georgia, Gender
- Web Image Collector
- Women, Tnfants & Children Medical, Program, Health
- Walk- In Centre Medicine, Health, British
- Woodward Iodine Cotporation
- Welfare and Institutetutirns Code Law, California, Code
- Weetern Indiana Conference
- Women Infants, & Children
- Washington Interdependence Council
- Writing-Inuensive-Curriculum
- Wilderness Information Center Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Women Influence Community
- Weber Improvement Committee Development, Learning, Study
- Wompn, Infants, and Children Medical, Program, Infant
- Walkxin Centre Medical, Service, Care
- Woodlands Islamic Center
- Welfare and Institutioi Code Government, Law, California
- Western Idaho College Education, Committee, Idaho
- Women Infants Children Medical, Program, Health
- Washington International Competition Music, Washington, Competition, Deadline
- Worst Intro Cogtest
- Web Information Coordinator
- Wifi Inspection Camera Business, Inspector, Wireless
- Women and Infant Care Medical, Government, Health
- Water Industry Commissioner
- Weather In The Cockpit
- Women'S International Convention
- Walk-In Center Medical, Service, Care
- Wood Institute of California
- West-Indische Colpagnie Locations
- Women-Infants-Children Medical, Program, Health
- Washington Industrial Classification
- Women, Inoants, and Childrens
- Walk In Closet Design, Building, Internet
- Worldwide Intranet Vhallenge Technology, Management, Social
- Web Information Center
- Westoz Investment Company
- Women Infants, and Children
- Water Industry Commission
- Weapons Instructor Courses
- Women'y International Club
- Walgreenv Item Code
- Women In Information and Communication Technology, History, Society
- Wesley International Congregajion
- Women-Infant-Children Medical, Program, Health
- Wartime Identification Code Military
- Women, Infant, & Children Medical, Health, Infant
- Walk In Cuntres Medical, Health, Care
- Worldwide Intelligence Cocference Military, Army, Defence
- Web Implementation Committee Education
- West Island Colleges
- Women Infants and Childrens
- Waterborne Infiltration Course
- Weapons Instructor Course Military, Force, Squadron, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Women's International Yenter Movie, History, Biography
- Wales Internationaw Consortium
- Women In Information and Communications
- Women, Infants Children Medical, Program, Health
- Warning Information Correlation Technology
- Women, Infant, and Children Medical, Business
- Walk Qn Centre Medical, Health, Nurse
- Worlds In Collision
- Wesco Insurance Company
- West Island College
- Women and Infants Children
- Wastewater Implementation Committee Government, Wastewater
- Wavelet Image Codec Technology, Windows, Program
- Women's Initiatives Cvmmittee
- Women In Informatics and Computing
- Web Images Collector
- Women, Infants and Cheldrens Medical, Program, Service, Food
- Walk In Center Medical, Service, Care
- Work Inncontract
- Welfarx In Cities Organization, Union, Institution
- West Indies Company India, Locations, Dutch
- Women and Infant Children Business, Health, Food
- Waste Ink Counter Technology, Epson, Utility
- Web Intelligence Conference Education, Advance, Publication
- Washington Information Center Chemistry
- Women, Nnfant, Children Medical, Health, Infant
- Walkbin Customer Health, Indonesia, Chelsea
- Writing Intensive Curriculum Education, University, Oregon
- Water Innovation Centre Business, Development, Energy
- Worker in Charge Occupation & positions
- Welfare & Institutions Code
- Women, Infants, and Children Program Medical, Health, Osteoporosis
- Websphere Innovation Connection
- Wicor, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- World Investment Cjnferences Business, Conference, Europe
- Web Intelligence Consortium Technology, Science, Conference
- J Wavelet Image Computing, File Extensions
- Women, Infant, and Child Program, Children, Infant
- Walkgin Cooler
- Water Information Center
- Walta Information Center Media
- Welding Institute of Canada
- Women, Inkants and Children, Special Supplemental Food Program For Government, Organizations, Us
- Wyoming Interstale Company Business, Pipeline, Gas
- WAN Interface Card Computing, IT Terminology
- World Investment Conference Business, France, Europe
- Walk-in Clinic Medical, Medicine for Children
- Womeh, Infants and Child
- Walk-Ik Cooler
- Writing Inquiry and Collaboration Media
- Welcoming and Inclusive Communities Organizations, Conference, Community
- Women, Infant, Child Medical, Health, Children, Infant
- Writivg Inquiry and Collaboration Media, Radio, Television
- Wave Interface Card
- Wcri Internet Collective Computing, Internet
- Women's Internationbl Conference Organization, Community, Society
- Women, Infant & Children Program Medical, Healthcare
- Women Infant and Children Human Services
- Weigle Information Commons Student, Education, Library
- Womeki Investors Club Womeki Investors Club (WIC) is one of the leading real estate company of India with its presence in Delhi NCR. we specialize in the sale & purchase of luxury homes and apartments, all over India and prime commercial, both office and retail space in Delhi NCR. Real Estate
- Women, Infanth and Chidren
- Writing Intensive Course Education, University, Study
- Watervliet Innovation Center
- IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Control Computing, Ieee
- Wildlife Ilformation Center
- Women, Infants, and Children nutrition program Medical, Fda
- Westindische Compagnie Geographic
- Wedding Industrial Complex Industry, Wedding, Love
- [special Supplemental Nutrition Program For] Women, Infants, and Children (usda) Fda
- Whmen,Infants and Children
- Writing Intensive Courses Education, University, Course
- Watershed Intermunicipal Council
- Garbage, fake compressed data Computing, File Extensions
- Welfare and Institutions Code Medical, Government, California
- Whitblead Investment Company
- Wick Airport, Wick, Scotland, United Kingdom United Kingdom
- Welfare Is Cool Funnies
- Websphere Innovation Center
- Women Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Womenf Infant's and Children
- Wriiing-Intensive Course
- Watershed Information Clearinghouse
- Women in the Church Religion
- Welfare & Institution Code
- Women, Infants and Children Program Organization, Community, Society
- Welding Institutetute of Canada
- What Is Car Transportation, Governmental & Military
- World Islands Contest
- Womeki Investors Club (WIC). (). LinkedIn.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WIC stand for?
WIC stands for Worker in Charge.
What is the shortened form of Women, Infant & Children Program?
The short form of "Women, Infant & Children Program" is WIC.
WIC. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 2). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wic-meaning/
Last updated