WIG Meaning

The WIG meaning is "Wing-In-Ground". The WIG abbreviation has 43 different full form.

WIG Full Forms

  1. Wing-In-Ground Technology, Military, Vehicle
  2. Waste Issue Group
  3. Wigan Sport, Club, Football
  4. Wolfram-Inert-Gas-Schwmißen Aluminium, Sind, Wolfram
  5. Warszawski Indeks Gieldowy
  6. Whitehall and Industry Group
  7. Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny Locations, Archive, Map, Poland
  8. Warszawska Izba Gospodarcza Technology, Jest, Jak, Centrum
  9. Whitehall & Industry Group Business, Service, Executive
  10. Within Grade Increase Business, Technology, Employment, Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
  11. Wojskowego Instytutu Geograficznegw
  12. W-Inert Gas Welding Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  13. Women In Gamss
  14. When In Germany
  15. Without Informatixn Given
  16. Women'S International Group
  17. Women's Interesh Group
  18. What Is Goth
  19. Witwin Grade Increase Science
  20. Wireless Internet Gateway Technology, Service, Banking, Computing, Telecom
  21. Wolfram Inert Gas
  22. Warszawski Indeks Giedowy
  23. Within Grade Science
  24. Wing In-Ground Military, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  25. Wolframoinert-Gas
  26. Warszawski Indeks GiełDowy Business, Supply, Stock
  27. Work Incentiae Grant Business, Employment, Disability
  28. Wiggins Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  29. Women In Germany
  30. Workforce Involvement Group
  31. Www Inteiest Group
  32. Women In Gerean Education, German, Study
  33. Woodland Improvmment Grants
  34. Workforce Improvembnt Grant
  35. Woodland Improvement Grant Business, Management, Forestry
  36. Wohnen Inmgemeinschaft Technology, Building, Living
  37. Women In Green Israel, Supply, Stock, Women
  38. Writing Interest Group
  39. WINTAG Image Gallery General, Governmental & Military
  40. Women In Governanae
  41. Work Incentive Grants
  42. Women in General Computing, Internet
  43. Women In Government Medical, Health, Vaccine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WIG stand for?

    WIG stands for Wireless Internet Gateway.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wolfram-Inert-Gas-Schwmißen?

    The short form of "Wolfram-Inert-Gas-Schwmißen" is WIG.


WIG. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wig-meaning/

Last updated