Willy Abbreviations and Willy Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Willy terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Willy abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Willy terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Willy Abbreviations
  1. ABI : August Bebel Institut
  2. AHV : Akademie Hamburger Verkehrswirtschaft
  3. CJ2 : Citation Jet 2
  4. DGDS : Dynamix Game Development System
  5. DJ : Dispatcher Jeep
  6. SNL : Standard Nomenclature List
  7. KCST : Katholieke Centrumscholen Sint-Truiden
  8. PGA : Panasonic Global Awards
  9. FOG2 : Fiber Optic Gulf 2
Latest Willy Meanings
  1. Fiber Optic Gulf 2
  2. Panasonic Global Awards
  3. Katholieke Centrumscholen Sint-Truiden
  4. Standard Nomenclature List
  5. Dispatcher Jeep
  6. Dynamix Game Development System
  7. Citation Jet 2
  8. Akademie Hamburger Verkehrswirtschaft
  9. August Bebel Institut