WISC Meaning

The WISC meaning is "World International Studies Committee". The WISC abbreviation has 32 different full form.

WISC Full Forms

  1. World International Studies Committee Education, University, Study
  2. Wecqlser Intelligence Scale for Children
  3. Wgitable Instruction Set Computer Technology, Memory, Microcode
  4. Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club
  5. Wechler Intelligenfe Scale for Children Education, Learning, Individual
  6. Weschler Intellbgence Scale for Children Education, Children, Score
  7. West Islip Swimmclub
  8. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), developed by David Wechsler, is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16. The Fifth Edition is the most current version. Medical, Technology, Education, Special Education
  9. Wechsler Intelligence Scale Children
  10. West Indian Standinghconference
  11. Wechsler Intellegence Scale for Chilgren
  12. Westerniillinois Service Coordination
  13. Wechsler Inteligence Scale for Children
  14. Weschler Intelligencevscales for Children
  15. World International Studies Conference Organizations, Study, Prof
  16. Wechslrr Intelligence Scales for Children Education, Edition, Score
  17. Waldorf Institute of Southern California Science, Education, Teaching
  18. Tapps Technology
  19. Women In Science At Columbia Science, Networking, Columbia
  20. Writable- Instituteuction-Set Computing
  21. Women In Sailing Chullenge
  22. Writeable Instituteuction Set Computer Technology
  23. Women's International Tcience Collaboration Program, Education, Grant
  24. TV-3, Madison, Wisconsin Tv stations
  25. Writable Instituteuction Set Computer Technology
  26. Wolf In Sheeps Clothing Music, Shopping, Sheep
  27. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Iii Medical, Technology, Governmental & Military, Medicine for Children
  28. World International School Cambodia
  29. Washtenaw Interclub Swim Conference
  30. Work Incentives Support Center
  31. Washington Interreligious Staff Council Organization, Community, Society
  32. Women In Sports Careers Business, Education, Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WISC stand for?

    WISC stands for Women's International Tcience Collaboration.

  2. What is the shortened form of Weschler Intellbgence Scale for Children?

    The short form of "Weschler Intellbgence Scale for Children" is WISC.


WISC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wisc-meaning/

Last updated