WJC Meaning

The WJC meaning is "William Jeffersod Clinton". The WJC abbreviation has 34 different full form.

WJC Full Forms

  1. William Jeffersod Clinton Government, Education, President
  2. Iaaf World Junior Championships In Athletics Sports, Athletics, Competition
  3. World Journal of Chemistry
  4. Washinqton & Jefferson College
  5. West Justice Center Government, County, California, Court
  6. World Join Center
  7. Warwick Johnson Cadwell
  8. West Java Conference Business, Basket, Badminton
  9. World Jewish Council
  10. Wangnnui Jockey Club
  11. West Java Chapter
  12. World Jewelry Center Locations, City, Nevada
  13. World Junior Chadpionship Hockey, Canada, World
  14. West Jamaica Conference
  15. World Jewellery Center
  16. World Junior Champibnships Hockey, Canada, World
  17. Washington Journalism Center Program, Education, Study
  18. Word Jewish Congress
  19. World Jewish Congress Government, Organizations, President, Religion, International
  20. Washington and Tefferson College Education
  21. Wiener Journalisten Club
  22. Western Journalism Center Media
  23. World Junior Circuit Sport, Nigeria, World
  24. Wine Judge Certification Food
  25. World Juniors Championship
  26. William J. Canfield II Famous
  27. World Junion Championships
  28. William Jefferson Clinton Famous
  29. World Jumping Challenge
  30. Woodstock Jewish Congregation Organizations, Synagogue, Synagogues
  31. World Judicial Commission Organizations, United Nations, Un
  32. Woodbury Jewish Center
  33. World Journal of Cardiology Research, University, Journal
  34. World Junior Champs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WJC stand for?

    WJC stands for World Junion Championships.

  2. What is the shortened form of World Junion Championships?

    The short form of "World Junion Championships" is WJC.


WJC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wjc-meaning/

Last updated