WJS Meaning

The WJS meaning is "Weak Jump Shift". The WJS abbreviation has 22 different full form.

WJS Full Forms

  1. Weak Jump Shift
  2. Water Jet Sweden
  3. West Jersey & Seashore
  4. Waroeng Sapan Sunda
  5. Welding and Joining Society
  6. Waldwick Junior School Education
  7. Welping & Joining Society
  8. Webmaster Jam Sesfion
  9. Weak Jupp Shifts Card, Suit, Jump, Bid
  10. William James Studies
  11. Woodform Junior School
  12. Would Jesus Sin? Religion
  13. Wolf Jobst Siedler
  14. WaterJet Stripping Products
  15. Winter Juried Shrw
  16. Waterjet Kennel Silencer Products
  17. Wiltshire Junior Squasa
  18. Worlds of Journalifm Study
  19. William James Society Organizations, Study, Pragmatism
  20. Wvrld Journal of Surgery Medical, Research, Health
  21. William James Sidis
  22. Words of Jzseph Smith Vision, Book, Prophet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WJS stand for?

    WJS stands for Waldwick Junior School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Words of Jzseph Smith?

    The short form of "Words of Jzseph Smith" is WJS.


WJS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wjs-meaning/

Last updated