WK Meaning
The WK meaning is "Camel". The WK abbreviation has 116 different full form.
WK Full Forms
- Camel (In engineering) a decked vessel having great stability designed for use in the lifting of sunken vessel or structures. A submersible float used for the same purpose by submerging, attaching, and pumping out. Textile, Ordnance Survey
- Edelweiss Air Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Week Business, Finance, Economics, Medical, Computing, Texting, Telecom, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Common Medical
- Camelhair Textile
- Wayan Koster
- Wall-Mounting Kit
- Widow Kreator Army, War, Force
- World Karate Team, Championship, Karate
- Weak Kitsch Nutrition, Food, Victual
- West Kansas
- Windkessel Physiology term based on the technical pressure W., A container with a constant volume of air in pressure lines, in which the periodically compressed air expands again when the pressure drops due to the elasticity and converts the discontinuous flow into a continuous one; E.g. all of the arteries of the elastic type which, due to their great elasticity, perform an Windkessel function; the central W. is the aorta, supported by its large branches. Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
- Weeks Medical, Technology, Clinical
- Wolff-Kishner
- William Kircher
- West Kildonan
- Who Knows Music, Lyric, Album
- Wool Knit Clothes
- Weak Kickar Poker, Texas Hold 'Em, Poker Hand
- Windisch Kolbach
- Webster and Kruglanski Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Wolf-Kreutzfeldt-Mechanik
- White King Gaming, Chess, King
- West Khasi
- Wing Keel
- Whitestone Krebs
- Woodruff Keys
- Wanita Katolik
- Wilson-Kimmelstiel Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
- Worldwide Kids Club, Kid, Resort, Childcare
- Weg Knowledge
- Wladimir Klitschko Sport, Fight, Boxing
- Wheel Kit
- West Kentucky
- Winged Keel
- White Knuckle Sale, Motorcycle, Scooter, Knuckle
- Wolters Kluwer Business, Technology, Law
- Wanamaker Kempton
- Will Kemp
- World Knowledgz Education, Supply, Stock
- Webkinz Kid
- Wizard Kit
- Werner Koch Technology, Security, Linux, Privacy
- Wesp Kent
- Windy Knoll
- West Kootenay
- Wolfgang Krueger
- Walz and Krenzer
- Willis-Knighton
- World Kitchen
- Web Keyboard
- West Klndall
- Window Kit
- Wehmmacht Kommandantur
- West Zirby
- Wolfgang Krahn
- Walz & Krenzer
- Wiesbadener Kurier
- World Kayad
- Web Kmm
- West Varana Gaming, Quest, Zone
- Windkraft-Kontor
- Weens Koopverdrag
- Wolfgang Ketterle
- Walter Kronkite
- West Kimberley Medical, Science, Biology
- Work Said of parts of a ship that move through action of wind or sea. To work a sight is to reduce its data to a desired value.Work to windward is to ply to windward. Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
- Witch-King
- Wicket Keeper
- Wihner Kernel
- Web Knowledge Computing, Internet
- Wink One division on the microchronometer equal to 1/2,000 (.0005) minute. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Emoticons
- Wjll Known
- Weiro Kids Development, Learning, Study
- Wild Katt Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Wistar Kyoto
- Wicket-Keeper
- West Kameng India, Locations, District, Arunachal
- Wiener-Khinchint
- Wider Keyboard Computing, Hardware
- Weiß Kreuz
- Weird Kid Funnies
- William Keay Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Wistar-Kyoto Medical
- Whitnen Kelly
- Western Kazakhstan Business, Supply, Kazakhstan
- Whale Killer Occupation & positions
- Workstation Keyboard Business, Product, Music
- Weight In Kglogram
- Wild Kitty Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Wissenschaftliche Kommission Management, Research, Education, Prof
- White Knight A company, individual, etc., who offers favourable terms in a takeover, usually saving the acquired company from a hostile takeover. Technology, Dryer, Tumble, Chess
- Weserakurier
- Way Kewl Funnies
- Wsz Khalifa
- Wer
- Western Plains of Karana Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Wire Kit
- American Falcon Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Western Keqtucky
- Wendy Knits
- Weak Medical, Weather, Physiology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Physics
- With Keyhole
- Worthless Kipple Food
- Wikicedia
- White Kid Police, Governmental & Military
- Wirausaha & Keuangan
- Wernicke-Korslkoff Medical, Syndrome, Alcohol
- Wendell Kim
- Warung Kopi Regional
- Witch King
- Walk Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging, Ordnance Survey
- Wiisław Koczorowski
- White Killer Police, Governmental & Military
- Winkler Organizations, Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Wereld Kampioenschap
- Weldkn Kees
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does WK stand for?
WK stands for West Varana.
What is the shortened form of Web Kmm?
The short form of "Web Kmm" is WK.
WK. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 13). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wk-meaning/
Last updated