WKD Meaning

The WKD meaning is "Warszawskiej Kolei Dojazdowej". The WKD abbreviation has 18 different full form.

WKD Full Forms

  1. Warszawskiej Kolei Dojazdowej
  2. Warszawska Kolej Dojazdowa Locations, Train, Poland, Warsaw
  3. Walter Krupp Dieseltechnik
  4. World Knowledge Database
  5. Wallace-Kratohvil Distribution Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  6. West Kendall Dolphins
  7. World Klass Drivers
  8. Weekend Internet Slang, Slang, Sms, Exportation, Transportation, Media, Texting, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Days, Occupation & positions, Modern Slang, Twitter, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Healthcare
  9. Web Key Directory
  10. Wilkinson Keepers Direct
  11. Windows Kernel Debugging General, Governmental & Military
  12. Wicked Sometimes used as a slang adjective, as in "that was wicked cool!" Internet Slang, Chat, Sms, Text Messaging, Religion
  13. World Kigo Database Business, Japan, Haiku
  14. WydziałOwa Komisja Dydaktyczna Jest, Jak, Centrum
  15. World Kidney Day Medical, Disease, Health
  16. Worked Army, Radio, Genealogy, Genealogical, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Occupation & positions
  17. Wolters Kluwer Deutschland
  18. Wilson-Kimmelstiel Disease Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WKD stand for?

    WKD stands for Wilson-Kimmelstiel Disease.

  2. What is the shortened form of Worked?

    The short form of "Worked" is WKD.


WKD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wkd-meaning/

Last updated