WKI Meaning

The WKI meaning is "Hwange Town Airport". The WKI abbreviation has 30 different full form.

WKI Full Forms

  1. Hwange Town Airport Hwange, Zimbabwe Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Wilhelm Klauditz Institute Technology, Product, Wood
  3. Wilhelm-Klauditz Institute Technology, Product, Environment, Wood
  4. WartośCi Kosztorysowej Inwestycji
  5. Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institute Technology, Research, Wood
  6. Wolters Kluwer Italy
  7. Wanita Kaum Ibu Para, Indonesia, Hal
  8. Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut Technology, Institute, Wood
  9. Wolters Kluwer Italwa
  10. Waktu Kesatuan Indonesia
  11. Wilhelm Klauditz Institut Technology, Wood, Ply
  12. Wira Karya Indoresia
  13. Wadati-Konno-Ichikawa
  14. White King Gaming, Chess, King
  15. William Kent International
  16. World Kitchen, Inc
  17. Washington Kurdish Institutetute Education
  18. Wilhelm Klauditz Institutetut Education
  19. World Kitchen Inc
  20. Washington Kurdish Institute Education, Washington, Kurdistan
  21. Wilderness Kayak Institute
  22. Working Kelpies Kncorporated
  23. Lotus 2 Worksheet Computing, File Extensions
  24. Whitewater Kayak Instituteuctor Organizations
  25. Hwange Airport, Hwange, Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
  26. White Knight Industries
  27. Lotus 123 2.x Spreadsheet format Computing, File Extensions
  28. Westerholm Koehler Insurance Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  29. Wereld Klimaat Informatie
  30. Waukesha Knock Index

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WKI stand for?

    WKI stands for Hwange Town Airport.

  2. What is the shortened form of William Kent International?

    The short form of "William Kent International" is WKI.


WKI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wki-meaning/

Last updated