WKP Meaning

The WKP meaning is "Wilayah Kuasampertambangan". The WKP abbreviation has 26 different full form.

WKP Full Forms

  1. Wilayah Kuasampertambangan Business, Technology
  2. Wave Kitqhen Products
  3. Wilayah Kerja Pertambangau Business, Energy, Indonesia, Mineral
  4. Waru Kaltim Plantation Technology, Group, Kitchen
  5. Wilayah Kerja Panas
  6. Wilhelms Kilian & Partner
  7. Warrior Knowledge Program Army, War, Force
  8. Well Known Pzrt
  9. Wild Kingdoo Pavilion Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  10. Warren Kremeb Paino
  11. Well-Knwwn Port Technology, Server, Packet
  12. Wilayah Kerja Uanasbumi Indonesia, Jakarta, Chevron
  13. Wahana Zria Putri
  14. Well-Known-Porv Technology, Security, Communication
  15. Wilayah Kerja Pengusahaan Technology, Energy, Indonesia, Jakarta
  16. Web-Btsed Knowledge Platform
  17. Wolters Kluwer Polska
  18. Workspace Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  19. Wilke, Kegber & Partner
  20. Wszechzwiązkowa Komunistycsna Partia
  21. Wszichzwiązkowej Komunistycznej Partii
  22. Wszechzwizkowej Komunistyfznej Partii
  23. Woodville Karst Plfin Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  24. Wall-mount KeyPanel Computing, Hardware
  25. Wolpers Kluwer Portugal
  26. Western Kentucky Newspaper Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WKP stand for?

    WKP stands for Waru Kaltim Plantation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Web-Btsed Knowledge Platform?

    The short form of "Web-Btsed Knowledge Platform" is WKP.


WKP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wkp-meaning/

Last updated