WKS Meaning

The WKS meaning is "Well Known Services". The WKS abbreviation has 33 different full form.

WKS Full Forms

  1. Well Known Services Technology, Computing, Internet
  2. Waukesha Organizations
  3. Well Kept Secret Dog, Baby, Puppy
  4. Wanamaker, Kempton & Southern Technology, Railroad, Steam, Pennsylvania
  5. Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome Medical, Brain, Alcohol
  6. Well Known Service Technology, Server, Recording
  7. Weeks Medical, Technology, Clinical
  8. Who Killed Summer
  9. Well-Known Service Technology, Server, Recording
  10. Well-Know Services
  11. White Knight Systems
  12. Well-Known Services Technology, Server, Telecom
  13. Well-Known Structures
  14. Wernicke-Korsakoff Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  15. Wanamaker, Kempton and Southern
  16. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Medical, Alcohol, Thiamine
  17. Wakil Kepala Sekolah
  18. Well Known Sockets
  19. Worksheet Business, Technology, Accounting, Accountancy, Us, Occupation, Department Of Defense, Ordnance Survey, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  20. Wajib Kerja Sarjana Medical, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  21. Wroclawski Klub Sportowy
  22. Willott Kingston Smith
  23. World Key Services
  24. Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Computing, File Extensions
  25. Workstation Subsystem Science
  26. Works Spreadsheet Computing, File Extensions
  27. Works Army, Force, Marine
  28. Wu Kai Sha, Hong Kong Regional
  29. Wojskowy Klub Sportowy
  30. Works Media Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  31. Wira Karya Sakti Group, Indonesia, Orang
  32. Wu Kai Sha
  33. Winter Kommunikation Software

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WKS stand for?

    WKS stands for Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome?

    The short form of "Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome" is WKS.


WKS. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wks-meaning/

Last updated