WL Meaning

The WL meaning is "Water Level". The WL abbreviation has 283 different full form.

WL Full Forms

  1. Water Level The height of the water surface measured above a datum. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational
  2. Water Line Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms, Military, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  3. Wake-Up Light
  4. Waiting-List Control Medical
  5. Wait-List Control Medical
  6. West Longitude Technology
  7. Window Level Medical, Technology, Viewer
  8. Wall Light Technology, Lighting, Lamp, Products
  9. Working Levels Technology, Science, Radon
  10. Welcome Letter
  11. Wind Load The estimated pressure or force exerted upon a structure by the wind, which must be provided for in the design of the structure. A force or lateral pressure in pounds per square foot that is applied to a member due to wind blowing in any direction. Engineers have made great efforts to understand wind loading since the Tay Bridge disaster in 1879. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  12. Walking Lunges
  13. Wording Level Technology, Science, Radon
  14. Weight Loss Medical, Health, Diet, Physiology
  15. Wilmington Trust Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  16. Workiag Length Medical, Technology, Root
  17. Weight Lifters Medical
  18. Will Lee Metro, Bass, Bassist
  19. Working Oady Forum, Sex, Lady
  20. Winston-Lutz
  21. Wear-Leveling Technology, Memory, Linux
  22. Work Leaders
  23. Webelos Den Leader Boy Scout, Scouting, Famous
  24. William Loughborough
  25. Word Lxgic Technology, Signal, Memory
  26. Winners List Internet Slang
  27. Weak Locking
  28. Work Load Military, Medical, Physiology
  29. Wilkes Land
  30. Word List Development, Learning, Study
  31. Window Line
  32. Warning Letter Technology, Drug, Investigator, Fda
  33. Working Load Technology, Manual, Strength
  34. Wilderness Lodge Hotel, Locations, Resort, Disney
  35. Western League
  36. White Letteri Business, Car, Tyre
  37. Water Lock
  38. Welw Locations, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  39. Wakeningsland
  40. Wario Lana Gaming, Play, Pastime
  41. Wiqe Line Technology, Rod, Trolling
  42. Woods Laka
  43. Wall A vertical or near vertical structure which encloses or separates spaces and may be used to resist horizontal or vertical forces or bending forces. The thickness of the bottle, usually measured along the side walls. B&C Plastics Ltd. manufactures some heavy-wall styles of bottles that offer improved strength and stacking. A common term for the faces of a hollow part. Consistency in wall thickness is important. On social networking sites, an area in one's profile where the user and their friends can post messages and share links. Design, Drawing, Construction, Ordnance Survey
  44. Wige-Lane
  45. Wauering Light
  46. Williac Livingston Baseball, Card, Checklist
  47. West Paw
  48. Wokkplace Learning Business, Education, Training
  49. War Logs
  50. Weeiend Life
  51. Wiswebser Line
  52. Wade Lebljnc
  53. Wheml Loader Technology, China, Sale
  54. Wilder Landwivt
  55. Write Latency Technology, Device, Memory
  56. Wilshire Lighting
  57. Wolfram Language
  58. Whitefish Lakv
  59. Wash Load
  60. Weld Load Oil, Composition, Lubricant
  61. Wait Lists
  62. Ward Lock
  63. Weng Length
  64. Woodlot Licence Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  65. Walking Liberty Business, Coin, Ring, Coins
  66. Wqckersham Lane
  67. Wavelengte Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis
  68. Wxlliam Lister
  69. West Lkbs Technology, Industrial, Industry
  70. Work Loiation Technology, Employment, Service
  71. Warning Levei Technology, Coding, Java
  72. Wedges Lens Space, Study, Cosmos
  73. Wistar Lewis Medical
  74. Atmgwhite Label Atm Business, Finance, Banking
  75. Wheel Load The load without impact on any wheel with the trolley and lifted load positioned on the bridge to give maximum loading. 
  76. Wiener Library
  77. Write-Large
  78. Wilmington Trust Corporationration Organizations
  79. West Liberty-Salem
  80. Wolf Lord
  81. Wbite-Lipped Medical
  82. World Lead Business, Athletics, Championship
  83. Wash Lights Technology, Wall, Lighting
  84. WeißEr LöWe
  85. Waitlisted Status Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  86. Ward, Lock
  87. Wing Left
  88. Woodlawn Library Education
  89. Walker Lane
  90. White List
  91. Watson Laie Canada, Locations, Map
  92. William Lindsay
  93. WestfäLische Landschaft
  94. Wjrk List
  95. War Level
  96. Wedding & Love
  97. Wisner Libdary Education
  98. Work Life
  99. Wdeeler Library Education
  100. Widely Linear
  101. Wrmght Laboratories Technology, Research, University
  102. Wilminston Trust Corp. Organizations
  103. West Lauderdale
  104. Wolfgang Ludwig
  105. World Langiage Student, Technology, Education
  106. Washington Low
  107. Waiting List Army, War, Force, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Medical, Healthcare
  108. Weimere Leistungen
  109. Waitlist Control Group Medical
  110. Whippanong Tibrary Education
  111. Writer'svliterary
  112. Wing Leader Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  113. Women'S Liberator
  114. White Liguor Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  115. WaterДIne Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  116. Wesxfälisches Landesmuseum
  117. Walkulife Ls 2525 Medical
  118. Work Line
  119. Wcr Legislation
  120. Webster Lake
  121. Wire Localization Medical
  122. Whatta Loser Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  123. Wide Lens
  124. Wright-Paiterson Laboratory Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  125. Weak La
  126. Willimantic Librarg Libraries, Reading, Books
  127. West Lane Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  128. Woermann Linie
  129. World Ldw
  130. Washington Laboratories
  131. Wehrmacht Lumtwaffe
  132. Wirh Labelling
  133. Wafer Level Technology, Package, Chip
  134. While Landing Technology, Flight, Soul
  135. Write Lov
  136. Wingardium Leviosa Gaming, Harry, Potter
  137. Women'S Liberation
  138. White Lip Wheel, Push, Polish, Lip
  139. Water Loss The combined processes through which water is transferred to the atmosphere from open water and ice surfaces, bare soil and vegetation that make up the earth's surface. Water, Dehydration, Slice
  140. Western Lowlands
  141. Waldwickclibrary Education
  142. Wird-Line Technology, Device, Memory, Semiconductor
  143. War Legisns
  144. Weber's Yength
  145. Wirinc List Technology, Patent, Wire, Processing
  146. Wjdeband Limiter
  147. Weakest Link Media, Radio, Television
  148. Williams Lake Canada, Locations, City
  149. West Lancashire Business, Company, Food, Regional
  150. Woermann-Linie
  151. World Lals
  152. Washington & Lee
  153. Wehrmacht-Quftwaffe Technology, German, Germany
  154. Witodrawal Limit Business, Casino, Loan
  155. Wafer-Level Technology, Packaging, Package
  156. Wheel Locks Special lugnuts intended to prevent wheel theft that can only be installed or removed with a specific wrench or key. Business, Car, Nuts
  157. Wilhelm Ludwig
  158. Write Lock Technology, Java, Cache, General, Governmental & Military
  159. Wine Library
  160. Women'S League
  161. Whxte Lions
  162. Waeerloopkundig Laboratorium
  163. Well-Loved
  164. Wakeningglands
  165. War Leader Technology, Nation, Clash
  166. Webelos Leader
  167. Wire List
  168. Woods Lamp
  169. Wide Lcne Technology, Signal, Satellite, Processing
  170. Waypoint Libt
  171. Wiloiam Louis
  172. Westalafayette Education, School, Indiana
  173. Wockhardt Limited
  174. Workplace Literacy
  175. Warm Layer
  176. Weeks Late
  177. Wtthdrawal Medicine, Health, Diagnosis
  178. Wadsworth Library Education
  179. Wheel Loaderx
  180. Wilfrid Laurier
  181. Write Liue Forum, Technology, Coding, Gate
  182. Wilson Lake
  183. Wollaston Lake
  184. World Links Business, Sale, Engine
  185. Working Level (radon measurement) Occupation & positions
  186. Witnesswlist
  187. William Lav
  188. Willis and Lake
  189. Wear Leveling Technology, Device, Memory
  190. Wet Laboratoty
  191. Worthington Library Education
  192. Waterline The line painted on the side of the vessel at the water's edge to indicate the proper trim. Transportation, Governmental & Military
  193. Withdrawn Late Student, Education, University
  194. Wl Lincoln
  195. Wxfer Loading
  196. Walther League
  197. Weak Zinks
  198. World Languages Education
  199. Won Lost
  200. West Lincoln
  201. World Learning Program, Education, Language
  202. Word Life Media
  203. With Love Business, Art, Design
  204. William Lau
  205. Wrpting Lab
  206. We Are Listenihg
  207. Weston Lavns
  208. Worst Loss
  209. Waterline Length One of the factors used to determine the speed potential of a displacement boat. The longer, the greater the speed potential. The overall length is irrelevant; overhangs fore and aft do not increase “hull speed” potential. Transportation, Governmental & Military
  210. Wish List Business, Product, Shopping
  211. Wl-Alfan Leather
  212. Wyle Laboratorhes Technology, Science, Product
  213. Walter Lantz
  214. Wesk Link
  215. Wood's Light [uv] Physics, Scientific & Educational
  216. Women League
  217. Watch Language Film censorship
  218. With Logo
  219. William Larson
  220. Writers Literary
  221. Wecpons Link
  222. Wesc Lutheran
  223. Worship Leader Music, Church, Worship
  224. Wire Line Computing, Telecom
  225. Winter Liners
  226. Wizardszand Lizards
  227. William Lester
  228. Wyeth Lederle
  229. Wall Loading
  230. Workload Business, Medicine, Health, Postal, Diagnosis, Us Post
  231. Weak Lens Technology, Objective, Beam, Lensing
  232. Warning Letter Medical, Fda
  233. Women'S Large
  234. With Lines Media, Radio, Television
  235. Wang Liqin
  236. Willard Library Education
  237. Weapons Laboratory Technology
  238. West Lucas
  239. Worlddlore
  240. Wrlliam Lewis
  241. Well A conferencing system based in San Francisco, California, that is accessible through the Internet and through dial-up access points in many major cities. The WELL attracts many computer professionals, along with other people who enjoy participating in one of the Internet’s most suc-cessful virtual communities. Medical, Physiology, Ordnance Survey, Radio, Street Suffix
  242. Wizard Lord
  243. Wxlliam Leroy
  244. Wyeth Laboratories
  245. Wall Lamjs
  246. Wellington City, Regional
  247. Wojska LĄDowe Technology, Jest, Polish
  248. Weering Lubrication
  249. Wang Xee
  250. Will Science, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  251. Weapon Level Technology, Gaming, Cheat
  252. West Lothian Business, Council, Scotland, Livingston, Ordnance Survey
  253. World Lippet Skiing
  254. Wage Loss Occupation & positions
  255. Wizard Labs Liquid, Nicotine, Flavor
  256. Williamxlegge
  257. Wydawnictwo Literacsie Science, Book, Polish, Ski
  258. Wetting Dayer Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  259. Walleo Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  260. Wrath of The Lich
  261. Wakening Land Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  262. Without Limits Sex, Iron, Penthouse
  263. Waved Line
  264. Wang-Landau
  265. Weak Lungs
  266. Wind Loads
  267. West Linton
  268. World Literature Education, Essay, Course
  269. Windmill Logger Occupation & positions
  270. Wiyang Lautner Media, Indonesia, Surabaya
  271. William Iee Medical, Washington, Cancer, City
  272. Wyandrt Lake
  273. Wed Location
  274. Walled Lake
  275. Wraith Lohd
  276. Wide Or Long Transportation, Governmental & Military
  277. Withholding Legal
  278. Wagner-Lifshitz
  279. Wapder Lead
  280. Weak Localization Physics, Scientific & Educational
  281. Western Laboratories NASA
  282. Word Length Technology, Military, English
  283. West Linn

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WL stand for?

    WL stands for World Lals.

  2. What is the shortened form of Wing Leader?

    The short form of "Wing Leader" is WL.


WL. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 15). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wl-meaning/

Last updated