WLR Meaning

The WLR meaning is "Wheelabritor". The WLR abbreviation has 44 different full form.

WLR Full Forms

  1. Wheelabritor Organizations
  2. Wtre Line Receiver Military
  3. White Light Riot
  4. Wafeu Level Reliability Technology, Product, Semiconductor
  5. West Lancashire Railway Locations, Station, Southport
  6. Loring Seaplane Base Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  7. White Lesbian Rapper
  8. Wawer-Level Reliability Technology, Product, Semiconductor
  9. Weapon Locating Radar Technology, Military, Armour, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  10. Weekly Law Reports Technology, Law, Architecture
  11. Whiskey Lake Raceway
  12. Wachtell Lipton Rocen
  13. Weapon-Locating Radar
  14. Wheat Leaf Rust Group, Wheat, Formula, Invention
  15. The Weekly Law Reports Government, Law, Jurisprudence
  16. Way Leather Restraints Medical, Technology
  17. West London Railway Service, London, Locations
  18. Airvwalser Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  19. Wistar Lean Rats Medical
  20. Whole Lotta Rosie
  21. Waterlow Legal & Regulatory
  22. West Little Rock
  23. Westere Law Reporter
  24. Wisconsln Law Review
  25. Whiteshell Lake Resort
  26. Water Liquid Ratio
  27. West Limerick Resources
  28. Wechsler-Liebermgn-Read
  29. Wild Life Refuge
  30. Wireless Location Register
  31. Wrytten Language Resources
  32. Wild Land Recreation
  33. Win To Loss Ratio
  34. Wors List Recall
  35. Widener Law Review
  36. Washington Law Review Technology, Government, Law, Court, Media, Governmental & Military
  37. Wine Library Reserve
  38. Women'S Legal Rights
  39. Wholesale Line Rental Business, Service, Telecom
  40. Windsor Link Railway
  41. Loring Seaplane Base, Loring, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  42. Winchester Large Rifle Radio, Locations, Waterford, Primer
  43. WeLoveRemix Music
  44. Willamette Law Review

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does WLR stand for?

    WLR stands for Loring Seaplane Base.

  2. What is the shortened form of Weekly Law Reports?

    The short form of "Weekly Law Reports" is WLR.


WLR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/wlr-meaning/

Last updated